Eigene News

/ Research
Publication: Social network analysis applied to illegal wildlife trade between East Africa and Southeast Asia
In this working paper, Jacopo Costa sheds new light on the dark networks of wildlife traffickers that operate mainly between East Africa and Southeast Asia but have tentacles reaching around the world.
Artist in Residence: Feya Faku (Johannesburg)
Fezile 'Feya' Faku is one of the most influential and cherished jazz musicians of South Africa. Since his first residency in Basel in 2006 he has sustained a strong collaboration with Swiss musicians.![[Translate to English:] meinhard schuster](/fileadmin/_processed_/b/6/csm_meinhard_schuster_b34fff4aad.jpg?1629179550)
/ People
Prof. Dr. Meinhard Schuster (1930-2021)
We are sad to announce the passing of Meinhard Schuster, who was Professor for Social Anthropology at the University of Basel from 1970 to 2000.
Afrika-Bulletin Nr. 181: Restitution – eine Chance für Nord und Süd
Schon in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren forderten ehemals kolonisierte Länder die Rückgabe von Sammlungsobjekten, doch in den letzten drei Jahren hat diese Diskussion so richtig Fahrt aufgenommen – Zeit, das Thema im Afrika-Bulletin…![[Translate to English:] Studierende während Vorlesung](/fileadmin/_processed_/4/6/csm_ZfA_Diverse-Anlaesse_040_b772b5476e.jpg?1725414180)
/ Research, Studies, Doctorate/PhD
Research seminars and graduate courses in spring semester 2021
Several units within the Research Network Africa offer research seminars and graduate events. While these are directed at PhD candidates and postdocs in the first place, many are open for guests.![[Translate to English:] Cover](/fileadmin/user_upload/zasb/Material_News_Events/News/2021/Bild_2021-02-09_110417.png?1612865064)
/ Research
A short history of the KFPE. 1994-2019
In this report, Alexandra Hofmänner examines the Swiss North-South relations in historical perspective based on the example of the Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE).
In the media: EU-Lieferkettengesetz soll Konzerne haftbar machen
Rita Kesselring in an article on the EU supply chain law to enforce liability of corporations on kurier.at (3 February 2021)![[Translate to English:] screenshot woz.ch](/fileadmin/_processed_/8/6/csm_Screenshot_2021-02-01_122917_40aa369ee2.png?1614933424)
In the media: Zwei Minen für bloss einen Dollar
Rita Kesselring's article in WOZ (28 January 2021)
/ Research
Publication: Speaking Through Houses: Interweaving Biography, Property and Personhood in Urban Zimbabwe
In her JJ Bachofen Lecture in 2019, Amanda Hammar looked at houses from an anthropological point of view. Hammar further builds upon theories of houses as constituants of people's biographies and "how they embody interconnections between…