Eigene News

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/ News, Research

Publication: Colonial Resonances

In this essay Jon Schubert charts the resonance of colonial urbanism in contemporary urban renewal projects in the Angolan port city of Lobito.
[Translate to English:] choir performs at swiss parliament

/ Research

New SNSF Sinergia project at ZASB and Institute of European Global Studies: ‘Reversing the Gaze: Towards Post-Comparative Area Studies’

The research project ‘Reversing the Gaze: Towards Post-Comparative Area Studies’ examines the crisis of liberal democracy in Europe and aims at developing new methodological and theoretical perspectives on comparison and on the Area…

In the media: Der Segerhof – Christoph Burckhardt oder 1000 tote Sklav*innen

Veit Arlt in the Bajour series Neue Augen auf die Stadt – 28 September 2020

Victime de la pandémie, la Zambie est en quasi-faillite

Rita Kesselring in einem Beitrag von Le Temps – 30. September 2020

/ Research, Studies

Namibia1953.com: An online portal enables access to text, sound and photos at the BAB archives

During this year’s Visual History Lab, a group of students created a website that helps the Namibian public to access text documents, sound recordings and photos in the "Ernst & Ruth Dammann Collection" at the Basler Afrika Bibliographien…
first page of article by Lesley Braun

/ Research

Publication: Infectious Images: Viral Internet Content in the Democratic Republic of Congo

This article co-authored by Lesley Braun explores how and why digital content is shared and moved into circulation in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It describes how visual genres such as print cartoons and popular painting now overlap…
first page of article by sandra schlumpf

/ Research

Publication: African languages and Spanish among Equatoguineans in Madrid

Sandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr's article is based on semi-directed, sociolinguistic interviews with Equatoguineans of two ethnic groups: Bubi and Fang. The results show the importance of relating data to the contemporary as well as historical…
The Graduates of African Studies 09/2020

/ News, Studies

Congratulations to our new graduates!

At the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences on 12 September 2020, numerous MA students and PhD candidates in African Studies or with an Africa Focus received their diploma. Congratulations to all of you!
Cover Afrika-Bulletin Nr. 179 09/2020

/ News

Afrika-Bulletin Nr. 179: Frauen in Bewegung

Frauenbewegungen in Afrika
Cover of the book Science and Technology Studies Elsewhere

/ Research

Publication: Science & Technology Studies Elsewhere. A Postcolonial Programme

In her book, Alexandra Hofmännner argues that new concepts and analytical approaches are necessary to investigate current global dynamics in science, technology and society, so as to deliver insights that the recent expansion of STS…