Eigene News

Researchers with African interest advised to clarify concepts

Article on GhanaWeb about Elisio Macamo's keynote at the University of Ghana

/ Research

Call: Uncovering Internet Spiritualities: African Religions, Digitality, and Non-Spatial Communities in the 21ST Century

Panel at the The 5th Annual Lagos Studies Association Conference (Postcolonial African Cities at 60: Continuities and Discontinuities. Lagos 25-27 June 2020) co-organised by Peter Ayoola Oderinde (University of Basel), Wale Oni (University…
Summer/Winter School 2019

/ Studies

Summer/Winter School: Agriculture, Food, Conservation and Tourism in Namibia and Switzerland

Call for applications for the joint Summer/Winter School with the University of Namibia in the frame of Learning for (Ex)Change

/ Research

Call for panels: Swiss Researching Africa Days 2020 (Bern, October 23-24 2020)

The Swiss Society for African Studies calls for panels for the 6th Swiss Research Africa Days. The objective of the meeting is to promote the exchange among the community of researchers working on Africa in Switzerland. The submission…
Looking at Democratic Republic of Congo from Rwanda

/ Research, Doctorate/PhD

Call for Papers: The trouble with the state. Boundaries and Networks in Africa - DEADLINE EXTENDED TO 31 JANUARY 2020

Three consecutive one-day workshops in Freiburg i.Br., Strasbourg and Basel will deal with different aspects of the debate on statehood and the role of trans- and international networks and physical or discursive boundaries. The deadline…
cover Afrika-Bulletin 176

/ News

Afrika-Bulletin Nr. 176: Land Grabbing – unerfüllte Versprechungen

Seit dem Jahr 2000 weltweit rund 50 Millionen Hektar an Landkonzessionen vergeben. Doch 2018 errechnete GRAIN, dass ein nicht unerheblicher Teil dieser Konzessionen – nämlich 17,5 Millionen Hektar – entweder nie «unter den Pflug» kam oder…
University of Nam1bia - Nahas Angula 2019

/ Research, Doctorate/PhD

Call: Writing Workshop 'Emerging Scholars & New Research in Southern Africa'

The four-day writing workshop at the University of Namibia (7-10 July 2020) is open to early career scholars with an affiliation to the ZASB.

Bodies of Truth: Law, Memory, and Emancipation in Post-Apartheid South Africa

NBN author-interview podcast with Rita Kesselring on her book Bodies of Truth – October 17, 2019

/ Research, Organizational Unit, People

Rita Kesselring is the new editor-in-chief of Anthropology Southern Africa

Anthropology Southern Africa is the peer-reviewed journal of the Anthropology Southern Africa association.
Cover of the CD Carlo Mombelli live at the bird's eye 2009-2018

New CD: Carlo Mombelli live at the bird's eye 2009-2018

South African bass wizard and composer Carlo Mombelli just released a new CD documenting a decade of performances a the bird's eye jazz club in Basel