Eigene News


/ Research

Publication: "Operational Differences between Product Development Partnership, Pharmaceutical Industry, and Investigator Initiated Clinical Trials"

This article in the open access journal Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, co-authored by ZASB members Piet van Eeuwijk and Jürg Utzinger, compares the operational differences between pharmaceutical industry sponsored trials, product…
group photo

/ Studies

The Basel Mission and its Legacies: Ghanian-Swiss teaching project

What’s God got to do with it? This was the question posed in the title of a preparatory seminar that Basel- and Ghana-based students took before participating in an excursion that interrogated the heritage and legacies of the Basel Mission…
Cover of the Book The Reports of Theophilus Opoku

/ Research

Publication: "The Reports of Theophilus Opoku: A 19th-Century Gold Coast Pastor"

Over 50 years Michelle Gilbert and Paul Jenkins have engaged with the reports of Revd Theophilus Opoku - a prolific writer and careful observer in the kingdom of Akuapem. This volume published in the Fontes Historiae Africanae series of the…

/ Research

Publication: "CEWARN’s Strategy Framework and Civil Society Partnership: Lessons for early-warning and response systems"

The mandate of the Conflict Early Warning and Response Network (CEWARN) is to detect and respond timeously to the potential escalation of violent conflicts in the member states of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in…

/ Info

In den Medien: "Wie sinnvoll ist Entwicklungshilfe?"

Im Podcast "Laut + Leis" des Katholischen Medienzentrums diskutieren Elísio Macamo, Professor für Afrikastudien an der Universität Basel, und Nicole Bolliger, Programmverantwortliche Afrika bei Brücke Le Pont und Alumni des MA African…
bern bahnhof menschen

/ Research

Call for papers: “Reversing the Gaze: Using Concepts Across Borders”

The conference brings together reflections on the use of concepts across borders in social sciences. Its first aim is to share and discuss the results of the SNSF Sinergia project "Reversing the Gaze", and to examine other cases of applying…
SGAS Newsletter 2/2023

/ Research

Newsletter of the Swiss Society for African Studies

Twice per year, the Newsletter of the Swiss Society for African Studies (SSAS) reports on its members' activities and publications, and announces upcoming events. The current newsletter includes reports on the Hans W. Debrunner Symposium,…
Markt in Kumasi, Ghana

/ Research

Call: Roundtables and 'Exciting Lecture' on African History

The 6th Biennial CRG African History Conference, hosted and organised by the Centre for African Studies Basel (ZASB) and the Basler Afrika Bibliographien (BAB) will take place on 13-15 June, 2024. The conference format centers on thematic…
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/ Research, Doctorate/PhD

Publication: "Spiritual and religious aspects influence mental health and viral load: a quantitative study among young people living with HIV in Zimbabwe"

This paper co-authored by Ursula Wüthrich-Grossenbacher and Sonja Merten examines the influence of religion and spirituality on the health outcomes of young people living with HIV in Zimbabwe. It finds that religious coping significantly…
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/ Info

Afrika-Bulletin Nr. 192: "Auf zwei Kontinenten zuhause"

Wie finden und gestalten Menschen mit afrikanischem Hintergrund, die in der Schweiz aufgewachsen sind, ihren Zugang zum Kontinent? Diese Frage war der Ausgangspunkt für das vorliegende Heft. Der Aufruf mündete in einem reichen Strauss von…