Eigene News

Coverpage South Africa Special of the magazine Jazz'n'more

Jazz in South Africa. From Cape Town to Switzerland and back

South Africa special in the magazine Jazz'n'more / 05 – September 1, 2019

/ Research, Doctorate/PhD

Call for paper proposals "“Idea of Europe From the Outside”"

Our colleagues Julia Büchele and Metka Hercog invite paper proposals for their panel at the Conference Europe's Past, Present, and Future: Utopias and Dystopias (University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland June 22-24, 2020)

/ Doctorate/PhD

Call: AEGIS Summer School (Cagliari, 9-13 June 2020)

The 2020 AEGIS Summer School will address the theme of "African Futures: Promises, Projections and Reflections on a Continent in Transition".
Youth and the State in Guinea

/ Research

Publication: Youth and the State in Guinea: Meandering Lives

By combining an ethnographic study of youth with an analysis of the local state in the making, this research monograph introduces the perspective of »meandering lives« to grasp being young and growing up in the Guéckédou borderland, a…
Cover Bulletin 175

/ News

Afrika-Bulletin Nr. 175: Quo vadis Südafrika?

Das Jahr 1994 hat das Bild Afrikas in besonderer Weise geprägt: mit dem Völkermord in Ruanda einerseits und dem Ende der Apartheid andererseits. Beide Ereignisse liegen jetzt 25 Jahre zurück, beide sind mit starken Emotionen verbunden und…

/ Research

Call: Exciting Lecture on African History (Leiden, 18-20 June 2020)

5th Biennial CRG African History Conference

/ Info

Ist die Bevölkerungsentwicklung ein Problem für Afrika?

Till Förster als Experte für maischberger.die woche, ARD – 14. August 2019

/ Research, Doctorate/PhD

PAPA promotes basic research in Africa

In 2020, the Pilot African Postgraduate Academy (PAPA) starts as a novel initiative to promote scholarship in the humanities and social sciences in Africa.

/ Research

Call: Sustainability and the State in Africa: How political rules shape conflicts (Bamako, Nov 23-27, 2019)

Sponsored by the Maria Sibylla Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa (MIASA)

/ Research

Call: Swiss Subsaharan Africa Migration Network - pilot studies and academic exchange

On behalf of the Leading House for the Region Africa, the Swiss Subsaharan Africa Migration Network at Université de Neuchatel has launched a new call - the S-SAM Third call 2019 - targeting late PhD and early postdoctoral researchers from…