Eigene News

book cover

/ Research

Publication: "Building Trust, Situating Repair: An Ecology of Action in a South African Nature Reserve"

Structured around an encounter between white commercial farmers, scientists and government and NGO experts working in a South African nature reserve, James Merron's book analyzes the negotiation between different orientations to ecological…

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In the media: "In South Africa, right-wing white populists do politics but not the elections"

In an interview with swissinfo.ch, Danelle van Zyl-Hermann talks about right-wing populism in South Africa and the extra-parliamentary strategy of the Solidarity Movement.
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Afrika-Bulletin Nr. 194: "Mode – Kreativität mit Zukunft"

In der post-agrarischen Bevölkerung des subsaharischen Afrikas hat die Mode in den letzten Jahren eine Wende vollzogen von der Nachahmung europäischer Förmlichkeiten hin zu einem internationalen Hype von Extravaganz und nachhaltigem Einsatz…
Nobuhle Ashanti

Artist in residence: Nobuhle Ashanti (Cape Town)

Pianist, arranger, and composer Nobuhle Ashanti is on a one-month's research residency at the Musikwohnhaus Basel supported by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia.

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In den Medien: "Austausch statt Polemik: Uni Basel stellt sich der Postkolonialismus-Debatte"

Die News-Portale Baseljetzt und Bajour berichten über eine Podiumsdiskussion an der Universität Basel mit Henri-Michel Yéré zu postkolonialen Theorien.

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In den Medien: "Die Pfingstbewegung erfasst weite Teile der Welt"

In einem Artikel in "reformiert." zur globalen Pfingstbewegung erklärt Andreas Heuser, weshalb Pfingstkirchen gerade junge, gut ausgebildete Menschen weltweit ansprechen.

/ Research

Podcast: "On Materiality" - with Carine Ayélé Durand

What can be gained from discussing Materiality, as opposed to simply talking about objects? This episode of the Ethnographic Imagination Basel podcast examines what it means to engage with objects, substances, and textures. Carine Ayélé…
CODESRIA/ZASB Summer School 2022

/ Research, Doctorate/PhD

Call for submissions: 6th CODESRIA/ZASB Summer School in African Studies and Area Studies in Africa

The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) and The Centre for African Studies in Basel (ZASB) call for applications for their 6th Summer School in African Studies and Area Studies in Africa.
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/ Research

Publication: "Human-animal entanglements in bushmeat trading in Sierra Leone: An ethnographic assessment of a potential zoonotic interface"

This article co-authored by Wahab Lawundeh provides an in-depth ethnographic account of two bushmeat markets in Bo, Sierra Leone. The authors found that inadequate infrastructure and sanitation facilities created risks of zoonotic disease…
crowd at conference

6th Biennial AEGIS CRG African History Conference

From 20 to 21 June 2024, the University of Basel together with Basler Afrika Bibliographien will host the 6th Biennial AEGIS CRG African History Conference. Registration is open until 30 April 2024.