
/ Research

Call: Conference "Repatriation in Africa, the African Diaspora and other Global Contexts: Histories, Practices, Understandings and Constructions" (Cape Coast, July 30, 2020 - August 1, 2020)

University of Cape Coast

This international interdisciplinary conference will be held in July 2020 at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, West Africa. The University is located in the historic city of Cape Coast, from where many persons of African descent were sent into the African diaspora through the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, and where many persons of African descent in the diaspora draw inspiration from to repatriate to Africa. The conference aims to bring scholars, students, diplomats, policy makers and opinion holders together to problematise repatriation in its broadest meaning in terms of how repatriation is conceptualised, rationalised, philosophised and practised in African and global historical and contemporary contexts. Focus will be on inter- and intra-African continental and the African diasporan cases. In addition, discussions and case studies about repatriation ideas, praxes, movements, histories, memories, understandings and constructions in different geographical, demographic and cultural places in other global contexts will also be welcomed and discussed to allow a holistic appreciation and comparative analysis of the ontology, teleology, practice and history of repatriation. We hope that the conference will allow participants to explore questions like: How do we rationalise and understand repatriation, in the contexts of globalisation, cosmopolitanism, and the cosmopolitan’s existence and experience? How does repatriation support different degrees of nationalism, and what advantages and disadvantages does this offer? Who is eligible to repatriate, and who and what are the determiners of such eligibility? What contributions have African and non-African governments and diplomatic missions made to the making and understanding of repatriation? How can repatriation be imagined and rationalised as movements and migration of ideas?

Submission deadlines: Abstracts of approximately 400 words should be submitted by April 15, 2020. For panel submissions, submit a 200-word panel abstract and a 400-word abstracts for each individual presentation. Acceptance of abstracts will be made known by April 30, 2020.

Contacts: Please, send an abstract of your proposed topic, institutional affiliation, and contact information to the following:

Prof. De-Valera N.Y.M. Botchway, (Head, Department of History)  Email: 

Dr. Joseph Kachim, (Member of Organising Committee, Department of History) Email:

Mr. Stephen Osei-Owusu, (Member of Organising Committee, Department of History) Email:

For further information, follow this link.