
Call for papers: Africa in the 21st century: traditions, revolutions and alternatives

2nd International Congress of Young Researchers on Africa CIJIA (Universidad de Valladolid, 30 September-1 October 2021)

The Congress, following the guidelines of the previous edition, aims to be an interdisciplinary meeting space in which members from different academic areas come together to tackle different lines of research and work on a theme centred on Africa. In this edition the title chosen is ‘Africa in the 21st Century: traditions, revolutions and alternatives’.

Given the need to continue to study deeply the different contexts of African and Diaspora societies, research that addresses continuities and ruptures in this field is essential. Africa has entered the 21st century as a continent of great importance at a global level and it is therefore essential to understand the local, regional and international processes that are taking place. Therefore, we publish this Memo in order to receive all kinds of proposals focused on the specific topic of the Congress, but without forgetting any other approach related to each of the different areas of knowledge: Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Technical and Experimental Sciences...

The communications must constitute an original collaboration not previously published and may be written preferably in Spanish, although communications in English, Portuguese and French will also be accepted.

Deadline for submissions: 15 February 2021