
/ Research

Call for Papers: "Afr(io)futurism: Debates, Contestations, Interventions”

Workshop at the University of Bayreuth, 18-19 February 2022

The workshop convenors invite interdisciplinary contributions about case studies reflecting on concepts of Afr(io)futurism while dealing with political movements, economic visions, historical references or religious doctrine, practice, or aesthetics and literatures crisscrossing temporalities and spatialities in Africa as well as in African diasporas.

The workshop aims at exploring the following issues:

  • What constitutes multiplicity in Afr(io)futurism? What kinds of utopias and aporias are put forth and which ones are silenced and evaded in Afr(io)futures?
  • How does power work along or against the actualization of alternative futures?
  • How does one negotiate between established structures and the agency to create desired futures in Africa and its diasporas?
  • How is contestation contextualized and to what extent does it facilitate convergence of solidarity between Africa and its diasporas?
  • What is the role of spirituality and religion in Afr(io)futurist visions of the future?

The deadline for paper proposals is 15 November 2021.