
/ Research

Call for Papers: Conference "Nigeria and Technological Advancement – 60 Years After Independence"

University of Nigeria (Nsukka, 23-26 November 2020)

African Humanities Research and Development Circle (AHRDC) & Professor B.I.C. Ijomah Centre for Policy Studies & Research (CPSR)

Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Science and Technology was created on 1 January 1980, with the vision of making “Nigeria one of the acknowledged leaders of the scientifically and technologically developed nations of the world”. Sixty years after independence, and forty years after the Science and Technology Ministry was created, Nigeria is neither a regional nor global technological power. Despite the advancements recorded in the country during the Civil War years (1967–1970), Nigeria remains a largely import economy, now dependent on countries that were once rated on the same pedestal or below her. That Nigerians in diaspora continue to make globally acknowledged strides in diverse fields of endeavour (including science and technology) presents the Nigerian state with an irony that consistently stares her in the face. The African Humanities Research and Development Circle (AHRDC) and Professor B. I. C. Ijomah Centre for Policy Studies and Researchat the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, therefore, announce their second international and interdisciplinary conference to engage with different aspects of this very important theme. The goal of the conference is to provide scholars and other participants with a platform to critically discuss the prospects and challenges of technological advancement in Nigeria. Technology is at the heart of the fourth industrial revolution. It is hoped that this conference will chart the way forward for science and technological development in Nigeria.

Interested scholars and other participants should submit an abstract of 250 words, specifying the sub-theme, to  and not later than 31 August 2020. References should be with footnote using The Chicago Manual of Style latest edition.