
/ Research

Call for Papers: Transatlantic Studies Association (Lisbon, July 6-8 2020)

19th annual conference of the Transatlantic Studies Association at ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon

The conference is organised around a number of subject themes, each of which is convened by members of the conference programme committee. If you would like to discuss your paper or panel proposal prior to submission, please contact the relevant programme committee members. This year’s subject themes are:

  1. Diplomatic and international history (David Ryan,, Chris Jespersen,
  2. Political and intellectual history (Joe Renouard,, Ana Monica Fonseca,
  3. Social, cultural and religious history (Kristin Cook,, Constance Post,
  4. International Relations and Security Studies (Luís Rodrigues,, Joe Renouard,
  5. Literature, film, and theatre (Donna Gessell,, Finn Pollard,
  6. Business and finance (Thomas Mills,, António Monteiro,
  7. Latin America in a transatlantic context (Robert Howes,, Pedro Seabra,
  8. Ethnicity, race and migration (Kristin Cook,, Ana Lúcia Sá,

Special Subject Theme: ‘Mayflower 400: Atlantic Crossings’

The TSA is pleased to join the University of Plymouth, England in welcoming proposals that seek to place the Mayflower voyage within an Atlantic context, and that offer an opportunity to better understand, interrogate and develop the political, religious, scientific and economic forces which shaped the Atlantic world in this historical moment and beyond. In commemorating ‘Mayflower 400’, we seek to uncover and enable voices and identities which forged, or were forged by, Atlantic crossings of many kinds. The 2020 TSA conference thus welcomes scholars focusing on the Mayflower voyage and its legacies, or on early America from historical/cultural/literary perspectives.

Other formats

In addition to the subject themes above, the organizers welcome papers and panels on any aspect of transatlantic studies. Interdisciplinary papers and panels are particularly welcome, as are innovative formats, such as roundtables, workshops or multimedia presentations.

Submission Instructions

Panel proposals should constitute three or four presenters and a Chair (as well as a discussant if desired). Panel proposals should be sent by email as one document attachment to, and include:

  • 300-word overview of the panel theme;
  • 300-word abstracts for each of the papers;
  • 100-word author biographies;
  • 2-page CVs for all participants.

The subject line of the email for panel proposals should read: ‘TSA Proposal-[Last name of panel convenor]-[Subject theme]’ (state ‘Other’ if not falling under listed themes) (E.g. ‘TSA Proposal-Smith-Diplomacy and International History’).

Individual paper proposals should be sent by email as one document attachment, and include:

  • 300-word abstract for the paper
  • 100-word author biography;
  • 2-page CV.

The subject line of the email for paper proposals should read: ‘TSA Proposal-[Last name of presenter]-[Subject theme]’ (state ‘Other’ if not falling under listed themes) (E.g. ‘TSA Proposal-Smith-Other).

NB: The working language of the conference will be English.

EXTENDED deadline for panel and paper proposals: 20 March 2020

For details about TSA travel grants, see the TSA website:

All paper and panel proposals, and travel grant applications, should be sent to the conference email: