
/ Research, Doctorate/PhD

Call for proposals: Leading House Africa, Research Partnership Grants

Leading House Africa (Swiss TPH/Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI)

Swiss TPH, commissioned by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), is calling for applications from advanced PhD students and early postdoctoral researchers affiliated with a Swiss research institution for Research Partnership Grants. The goal of the funding instrument is to further develop, consolidate and expand relations and foster new collaborations between Swiss researchers and partners in Africa.

The deadline for applications is 15 September.

Applications should demonstrate collaborative work with an African University or research institution (all African countries, except Maghreb region and Egypt) in desk work, field research or laboratory spanning between a minimum of 3 months up to a maximum of 10 months. Projects may or may not include mobility component (contingent on travel restrictions due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic). The maximum grant per project is CHF 15,000; the total budget for the call is CHF 250,000.

Proposals are expected from the following two areas: i) Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, and ii) STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) including biological sciences and medicine. The call aims at awarding an equal balance of proposals from both areas.

Main applicants are required to hold a PhD degree or to be in the final year of their doctoral thesis (to be confirmed by the principal supervisor). In addition, applicants must be employed by the home institution based in Switzerland before, during and after the project duration. The main applicant will submit a joint proposal on behalf of the research team that includes one or more African co-applicants for their planned research work. The co-applicants must be employed as a scientists at their home institution for the period of the project.