
/ Research, Doctorate/PhD

Call for proposals: Seasonal Schools in Switzerland to sponsor African participants (PhD students)

Leading House Africa, in conjunction with the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), is calling for applications for the PhD Graduate Programme from organizers of Seasonal Schools in Swiss Institutions of Higher Education. The goal is to promote research cooperation between Swiss and African PhD students in developing solutions for sustainability challenges.

Leading House (LH) Africa in conjunction with the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), invites organizers of Seasonal Schools at Swiss Institutions of Higher Education to apply for the PhD Graduate Programme. The goal of this instrument is to promote research collaboration between Swiss and African PhD students of Higher Education Institutions through a Seasonal School. The Seasonal School should include inter-and (if applicable) transdisciplinary sessions to bring Swiss and African PhD students together to develop solutions for sustainability challenges, geared towards the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the African Union’s Agenda 2063. The idea is to acquaint a group of Swiss and African PhD students with different disciplinary backgrounds to collectively address issues of major global concern during the Seasonal School (e.g. decline of biodiversity and food security; climate change, flooding and deforestation; migration; natural resource depletion; epidemics and pandemics, etc.). To this end, the role of science is to provide knowledge and to engage in negotiations with policy and civil society for shaping transformations towards more sustainable development.



The call is open to all Seasonal Schools organised by Swiss Institutions of Higher Education in or outside of Switzerland scheduled for 2023. The selected Seasonal School should be flexible to incorporate 5 to 15 prospective sponsored PhD students from Africa within the planned activities of the school.

Funding and Budgeting

The maximum amount that each Seasonal School can apply for is CHF 60,000. The budget shall sponsor a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 15 students enrolled in a PhD programme of Institutions of Higher Education in Africa, to participate in the Seasonal School organised in or outside of Switzerland. Thus, up to CHF 4,000 can be budgeted for each prospective candidate (participant).

Submission Deadline: 28 February 2023