
/ Research

Call: Studies Exploring Inequalities in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Kenya

Call, Studies, Inequalities

Funding: up to £150,000 (£50,000 for each Observatory) 

Applications on a rolling basis | Applicants should communicate their intention to apply by 15 January

The REACH Programme is a 7-year, £15m programme funded by the UK’s Department for International Development (DfID). This project, led by the University of Oxford, involves a research consortium of global leaders in water science, policy and practice. It aims to improve water security for 5 million poor people in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia by 2022. This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to an ambitious research programme and global science-practitioner partnership working to deliver significant benefits for people living in poverty.

REACH is launching a call for applications for studies Exploring Inequalities in three Observatories: Dhaka (Bangladesh), Wukro (Ethiopia), and Kitui (Kenya). A total of £150,000 of funding (£50,000 for each observatory) will be available until April 2019 to co-build knowledge on how water (in)security produces or reflects socio-economic inequalities and marginalisation, particularly of gender and disabled people.

In Dhaka, the aim of the study will be to analyse how industrialisation and water security are interlinked, specifically, how different related structural challenges affect individual agencies, especially those of vulnerable people living in riparian areas of Dhaka.

In Wukro the study will explore how reliance upon domestic water sources for income generating activities shape social structures and affect agencies, particularly of vulnerable people.

In Kitui the commissioned research aims to explore the tension between structure and agency, particularly of vulnerable people in relation to governance and management of different water supply models.

This research will inform the sector and policy makers on the consequences of industrialisation, appropriateness of water management and social consequences of different models of water supply.

The call is open for local researchers or research teams that fulfill the aim of the programme including civil society organisations, research institutions, regional organisations, think tanks, governmental organisations and the private sector.

Applicants must have an institutional affiliation, and possess a good knowledge of the local language, context and culture.

Application Process:

You should submit your application to only one of the three Observatories.

Please read carefully our Guidance Notes for DhakaWukro or Kitui, which provide more information on the studies and on the application process. You will then need to fill in the Budget and the Host Institution Declaration Form.

The application should be submitted to Applicants are encouraged to apply early, and to communicate their intention to apply by 15 January with the title of their project and the possible date of sending the final application.

Proposals will be assessed on an ongoing basis and the call will be closed as soon as the suitable candidate is found. Applicants are expected to start the study in February-March.

If you have any questions please email 

Further information:Exploring Inequalities