
Wanted: Hosts for participants of the Third European Students' Conference on African Studies

Picture of a puppet house guest room

1974 Bodo Hennig puppet house guest room (c) diepuppenstubensammlerin, flickr

On 29 and 30 August more than 40 Masters' students from all over Europe will gather at the Centre for African Studies. We call on the community to contribute to the success of this students' project by hosting one or more participants.

For the third time, students of the Centre for African Studies organise an international students' conference under the theme "African Studies in Europe: Young Scholars Driving a Field". The project is supported by the Freiwillige Akademische Gesellschaft Basel, the Max Geldner Foundation and the Swiss Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities. In order to keep to the budget and enable students from lower income countries to participate, the organization team looks for free accommodation for some of the participants and volunteers. Do you happen to have a guest room, a couch or just a space for a sleeping bag and are you interested in meeting young people who in their studies engage with the African continent? Then please contact the Organizing Team via the online-form.or by email to