
/ Research

Newsletter of the Swiss Society for African Studies

cover photo SSAS newsletter 2020/2

Pandemic, Corona virus, lockdown, home office, economic and social crisis - unsurprisingly, these keywords of the year 2020 also echo in the latest newsletter of the Swiss Society for African Studies.



Minutes of the 46th General Assembly
Annual report of the Co-presidency
Obituary Noemi Steuer (15.01.1957–14.07.2020)
Publication of theses


Reversing the Gaze: Towards Post-comparative Area Studies
Points of View: Museum Cooperation between Switzerland and Uganda
Covid-19, a Wake-up Call?
African Perspectives on the Covid-19 Pandemic


African Cities Lab at EPFL: Online Urban Development Training
Just-in-Time: Making an Archive Accessible Online

Young Scholars

L’aller et le retour en question dans les fictions contemporaines
La Suisse et la crise séparatiste anglophone au Cameroun


Armelle Choplin, professeure de géographie, Genève


Review: Pastoralism and Socio-technological Transformations in Northern Benin
Announcement: Women and Photography in Africa
Announcement: Portraits of Interpreters
Announcement: A Post-colonial Take on Science & Technology Studies
Announcement: Façonner la parole en Afrique de l ’Ouest
Announcement: Scientific Correspondence of a Pioneering Woman