
/ Research

Newsletter of the Swiss Society for African Studies

cover picture of the SSAS newsletter

Twice per year, the Newsletter of the Swiss Society for African Studies (SSAS) reports on its members' activities and publications, and announces upcoming events. The current newsletter includes reports on the Hans W. Debrunner Symposium, the Conference of the Swiss Association for the Studies of Science and Technology as well as on the 6th Basel Summer School in African Studies.

Éditorial • Editorial

Communications • Mitteilungen

Engagez-vous au sein de l’équippe de rédaction • Join our newsletter team • Mitarbeit im Redaktionsteam
Publication of doctoral dissertations • Publikation von Dissertationen • Publication de théses

Évenements • Events • Veranstaltungen

Annonces • Ankündigungen • Announcements

3rd European Students’ Conference on African Studies
8th Swiss Researching Africa Days
Reversing the Gaze: Using Concepts Across Borders
Reconfigurations in Africa—and in African Studies

Comptes Rendus • Berichte • Reports

The Commons We Want. 19th Biennial IASC Conference
Prophétique (On est déjà né.es) von Nadia Beugré
Cottoned Fashion: Roots & Expression

Recherche • Research • Forschung

Initiative Afrique and the University of Bern’s Internationalization Strategy 2030
Soziale Arbeit in der universitären Ausbildung in Sierra Leone

Encounters • Rencontres • Begegnungen

Von Basel über Nordnigeria in den britischen Adel: Sir Hanns Vischer

Teaching • Enseignement • Lehre

Auf den Spuren der Basler Mission in Ghana
Climate Adaptation in Africa

Publications • Publikationen

Gold, Finance and Imperialism in South Africa
Decolonizing African History
The Reports of Theophilus Opoku
Storage in Ancient Egypt and Nubia
Disenchanted Modernities
Building Trust, Situating Repair
Infrastructures of Migrant Labour
Transition Towards Gender Equality
Beggars on our Own Land