
/ People

Passing of Hans Buser (1934-2020)

hans buser talking

Hans Buser. Photograph by Ruedi Suter, 2009

With deep regret we have to share the news that on Friday 6 November 2020, on the day before his 86th birthday, Hans Buser passed away. We will remember him as a great networker and story teller, always ready to share and assist.

As a young man, Hans Buser had seized the opportunity and joined the Union Trading Company in Ghana - a decisive period in his life. Between 1957 and 1966, he experienced at close quarters the early post-colonial years in West-Africa. He published his stories and reminiscences of those turbulent years in his book “In Ghana at Independence. Stories of a Swiss Salesman”, published in 2010 in the BAB series "Lives Legacies Legends". 

Hans Buser made his huge network, his sharp observations and his knowledge available for students and scholars interested in Ghana. The members of the ZASB will remember Hans as a great networker and story teller, always ready to share and assist.

We convey sincere condolences to Hans Buser's wife and his family and friends.