
/ Research

Project funding: T-AP Recovery, Renewal and Resilience in a Post-Pandemic World (RRR)

Trans-Atlantic Platform for Social Sciences and Humanities (T-AP)/Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

The Trans-Atlantic Platform for Social Sciences and Humanities (T-AP) calls for projects that address key gaps in the understanding of the dynamic and complex interaction of medium and long-term societal effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Recovery, Renewal and Resilience in a Post-Pandemic World (RRR) call aims to address key gaps in our understanding of the dynamic and complex interaction of medium and long-term societal effects of COVID-19 pandemic. This understanding, in turn, should advance knowledge of how to mitigate the negative societal effects of COVID-19 pandemic and support recovery and renewal in a post-pandemic world. Applicants are required to submit novel interdisciplinary and significant social sciences and humanities research proposals that address one or more of the following five challenges: (i) reducing inequalities and vulnerabilities; (ii) building a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable society; (iii)fostering democratic governance and political participation; (iv)advancing responsible and inclusive digital innovation; and (v)ensuring effective and accurate communication and media.

The RRR Call supports humanities and/or social sciences interdisciplinary research focused on the challenges described below. Proposals may emphasize historical, theoretical developments, cross-national and cross-regional comparisons, meta-analyses, qualitative and quantitative longitudinal or cross-sectional surveys, case studies, randomized-controlled studies, cultural analysis, audience insights, discourse analysis, experimental development, prototyping, and simulation models, among others.

The RRR Call will be implemented through a coordinated funding scheme where each funding organization will fund its own (national) research teams within a T-AP RRR project partnership. Each project must comprise at least three eligible Principal Investigators from at least three different T-AP participating countries from both sides of the Atlantic. T-AP funding organizations include the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the South African National Research Foundation (NRF).

Compulsory "Intention to submit form" deadline: 14 June 2021
Closing date for submissions of full proposals: 12 July 2021