
/ Research

Publication: Cities in Flux - Metropolitan Spaces in South African Literary and Visual Texts

Cities in Flux

The essays in this volume all circle around questions of urbanisation in (post-)apartheid South Africa and its effects on the country's socio-political realities as well as its representation in, and effect on, the country's literary and artistic production.

(South) Africa's continuous urbanisation is expressed in the title of this book: `Cities in Flux'. The contributions account for the constant flow of people (not only into, within, and out of a city, but also between different cities), the continuously changing conditions (both physical and immaterial as well as past and present) of (South) Africa's urban areas, and these shifting conditions' effects on (South) Africa's cities.

Festschrift in Honour of Professor em. Dr. Therese Steffen

About the editors

Olivier Moreillon is a researcher at the Department of English at the University of Basel, Switzerland.

Alan Muller is a Junior Fellow at the Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies (BIGSAS), Germany.

Lindy Stiebel is Professor Emeritus of English Studies at the University of KwaZulu-Natal.

Olivier Moreillon, Alan Muller, Lindy Stiebel (eds.). Cities in Flux: Metropolitan Spaces in South African Literary and Visual Texts. Lit Verlag, 2017.