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Reopening of the Basler Afrika Bibliographien (BAB) Library

Basler Afrika Bibliographien (BAB)

The library of the Basler Afrika Bibliographien will re-open for the public on 12 May 2020.

The library of the Basler Afrika Bibliographien will re-open for the public on 12 May 2020. The number of visitors is limited to 4 at the same time, and they must observe the rules regarding distancing and hygiene:

  • Anyone who is not feeling completely well is asked to stay at home
  • Access ONLY via the staircase (the elevator is for residents only!)
  • Washing or disinfecting your hands at arrival is mandatory
  • Only use the visitors’ lavatory (which are cleaned regularly)
  • Keep a distance of 2 meters to everyone

For research requests concerning the archives please get in touch with the archive team at for appointments after the 12th May 2020.