
/ Doctorate/PhD

Swiss Subsaharan Africa Migration Network looks for contributions for a joint survey

The Swiss Subsaharan Africa Migration (S-SAM) network has launched a call targeting late PhD and early postdoctoral researchers from sub-Saharan Africa or Switzerland to submit proposals for survey questions, designs for survey experiments, and survey analysis. Application deadline is 4 September 2020.

S-SAM is planning a joint survey in 2020 with a focus on aspects of migration to Europe before migrants reach their destination. In a call, S-SAM is seeking late PhD students and early postdocs who (A) contribute survey questions (no funding), (B) apply for a small grant to develop a survey experiment, or (C) apply for a small grant to analyse the survey. For the survey experiment grant (B), S-SAM offers up to CHF 500 for the design and pre-testing of the survey experiment. For the survey analysis, S-SAM offers up to CHF 1000 for analysis in November and December 2020.

Deadline for submissions: 4 September 2020

Timeline: Fieldwork in October 2020; analysis in November and December 2020; joint publication in 2021