News & Events

/ Continuing Education
Basel STUDY: New CAS programs in anti-corruption and asset recovery
The Basel Institute on Governance in conjunction with the University of Basel now offers advanced postgraduate qualifications in anti-corruption and asset recovery. The programs combine advanced research, real-world insights, practical…
/ Research
New postdoctoral project at the ZASB: "Enfants de migrant-es ouest-africain-es entre deux mondes"
Nicolas Mabillard started his new SNSF-funded postdoctoral research project on 1 February 2025. His academic research focuses on the qualitative sociological study of transnational Senegalese families. He studies the ways in which the…
/ Research
Call for papers: "The African Genome at the Disciplinary Crossroads: how to widen the scope of genomics’ methods across to the humanities and social sciences"
This conference brings together scholars across the traditional "divide" between the natural sciences and the social sciences and humanities in order to explore how issues of identity and ethnicity play out in genomics research.