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Nicolas Mabillard is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Center for African Studies of the University of Basel and a Postdoctoral Associate Researcher at the Institute of Sociological Research of the University of Geneva. His academic research focuses on the qualitative sociological study of transnational Senegalese families. He studies the ways in which the children and adolescents born in these families experience and reshape the long-standing practice of ‘child fostering’.

Nicolas holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Geneva. His dissertation analyses how some West African working children’s advocacy movements and their partner NGOs have attempted to reframe international labour legislation within the UN child labour regime.



Mabillard, N. (2024) “Enfance et adolescence sénégalaises transnationales : enchevêtrements moraux au fil d’une double socialisation entre pays d’accueil et Sénégal”, Cahiers d’études africaines, 255-256. Available at: https://doi.org/10.4000/12qnp.

Mabillard, N. (2022) “Agencéité des enfants et esthétique de la honte à Dakar : comment enquêter auprès des enfants en apprentissage ?”, Ethnographiques.org, 43 ( Juin 2022). Available at: https://www.ethnographiques.org/2022/Mabillard.

Mabillard, N. (2021) Les enfants travailleurs/euses du Sénégal : entre droit international et conceptions locales de l’enfance. Dissertation. Available at: https://doi.org/10.13097/archive-ouverte/unige:151528.

Mabillard, N. & Jacquemin, M. (2019) “Trajectoires éducatives, travail et droits de l’enfant”, in Y. Denéchère (ed.) La Parole de l’enfant au bénéfice de ses droits. Liège, Presses universitaires de Liège. Available at: https://doi.org/10.4000/books.pulg.10002.

van Daalen, E. & Mabillard, N. (2018) “Human rights in translation: Bolivia’s law 548, working children’s movements, and the global child labour regime”, The International Journal of Human Rights, 23(4). Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/13642987.2018.1541890.