Events PhD

28 Oct 2022 - 29 Oct 2022
08:30  - 16:45


Swiss Society for African Studies

Congress / Conference / Symposium

7th Swiss Researching Africa Days

The biennial get-together of the African Studies community of Switzerland

The Researching Africa Days are held biennially alternating with the international thematic conferences of the Swiss Society for African Studies and are open to all disciplines representing African Studies. The objective of this biennial convention is to promote the exchange among the community of researchers working on Africa in Switzerland. Panels typically integrate young and established scholars (Master, PhDs, postdocs, professors). A poster exhibition gives insight into ongoing and recently completed PhD projects.

The following panels and round tables were selected:

  1. African Transitions to Peace and Democracy? Modifications and critiques of a persistent model
  2. African Food Systems under Change: Institutional Transformations and its Impact on Food Resilience and Nutrition
  3. ‘Expertise’ in and on African cities
  4. Multilingualism and Health Communication in sub-Saharan Africa: Transdisciplinary approaches in research and development practice
  5. Decolonizing Swiss-Africa research collaborations
  6. La transcription : enjeux de la mise à l’écrit de textes oraux africains
  7. Transdisciplinary research in Africa focusing on One Health
  8. Decolonization of museum collections
  9. Another way of seeing: fiction and faction from and on Africa
  10. Nouvelles recherches sur l’histoire contemporaine de l’Afrique : coopérations et circulations transimpériales (round table)

In the panels researchers table their work for discussion. In poster sessions ongoing and recently completed doctoral dissertations will be introduced and the Revue d'Histoire Contemporaine de l'Afrique (Geneva) will be the object of a roundtable discussion.

Registration Deadline: 16 October 2022

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