Events PhD

03 Jun 2019
09:00  - 17:00

University of Basel


PhD Workshop: African Voices in Global Health: Knowledge, Creativity, Accountability (LV 54104-01)

with Dr. Mandisa Mbali (Cape Town)

Picture of protest by Treatment Action Campagin in Cape Town 2014 by Louis Reynolds

HIV activists from the Treatment Action Campaign in Cape Town protest against unjust patent laws that push up the prices of essential medicines (picture: Louis Reynolds, 13 March 2014).

There is an emerging literature emphasizing African voices in global health. Critical scholars of global health on the continent are increasingly challenging normative disciplinary framings of African patients and study-participants as invisible, or passive, in constructing their own healing narratives and experiences. Africans are addressing structural inequalities they face in global health policies and practices, challenging donors, NGOs, governments, and intergovernmental organizations to be accountable.  The workshop will engage with two broad themes: Africans’ divergent understandings of their global health care priorities and African advocacy on injustices in relation global health facilities, resources and research initiatives.

Mandisa Mbali is senior lecturer at the University of Cape Town. Her main research interest is in health policy and activism, considered historically, as interrelated phenomena, both transnationally and within South Africa. Dr Mbali has explored this theme in book chapters and journal articles on AIDS activism and policies, health, gender and sexuality and the politics of race and ethics in international health. In 2013 she published her scholarly monograph South African AIDS Activism and Global Health Politics with Palgrave Macmillan as part of their Global Ethics series.  More recently, her work has analyzed transnational debates over apartheid and medical humanitarianism in late twentieth century South Africa.

Please register for this workshop with a short statement of motivation introducing yourself briefly and linking your own research to the topic of the workshop (1 page), to be sent to The deadline for registration is extended to 15.05.2019.

Registered users access the readings via ADAM.


Participants will give a short presentation articulating their own research with the opening key note lecture and are expected to engage actively in the discussion.

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