Events PhD

21 Oct 2020
18:15  - 20:00

Physical Geography | Klingelbergstrasse 27, Lecture Hall (5th floor), 4056 Basel


ABGESAGT Anette Hoffmann: Who's afraid of Rudolf Pöch? The long echo of colonial violence in the Kalahari recordings (1908)

Namibian and Southern African Studies Research Colloquium

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Anette Hoffmann cannot participate for this week's colloquium. Instead Nahas Angula (UNAM), Andrea Rosengarten (North-West University/UNAM), Luregn Lenggenhager (ZASB) will present new insights into the SNF project "Learning for (Ex-)change and Space in Time - insights from a teaching and a research project between Namibia, South Africa and Switzerland"


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