Events PhD
University of Bern, UniTobler
Swiss Society for African Studies
Swiss Researching Africa Days

The 5th edition of the Swiss Researching Africa Days will take place on Friday and Saturday October 26–27, 2018 at the Institute for Social Anthropology, University of Bern. The Researching Africa Days are held biennially alternating with the international thematic conferences of the Swiss Society for African Studies and are open to all disciplines representing African Studies. The objective of the meeting is to promote the exchange among the community of researchers working on Africa in Switzerland.
Its goals are to
- present current research projects of MA- and doctoral students, post-docs and senior scholars;
- enhance the circulation of relevant information between these actors and the respective institutions;
- offer a platform for synergies and collaboration;
- enhance the visibility of African Studies in Switzerland, the universities and research institutions;
- promote the institutionalisation of African Studies.
The following panels are foreseen:
- Knowing Justice: The Politics of Knowledge Production for, and of, Peace and Justice in Africa
- Disentangling the knot: illuminating the dynamics between globalised land and local well-being in Africa
- Environmental justice and land management practices in Africa
- ´Brokers´ and interpreters within the judicial and human rights fields in West Africa / « Courtiers » et interprètes dans les champs de la justice et des droits de l´Homme en Afrique de l´Ouest
- Theorizing African Aesthetics
- Sous le signe du retour : migration et migrance littéraire
- Dance, Power and Subjectivities in African cities
- Multilingualism and Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa: a key to participation and sustainability?
- So what about youth in Africa? Reappraisals after the academic buzz
- State-Making and State-Breaking in sub-Sahara Africa
- Contested Wildlife
One of our aims is to present ongoing or recently completed PhD research on a topic related to Africa at Swiss universities. The organizers invite researchers to submit a scientific poster (size A0, vertical orientation) on their PhD research for the Swiss Researching Africa Days. There will be time slots for the presentation of the posters during the conference. The posters will also be compiled as an electronic reader to be published on the website of the Swiss Society for African Studies. Please submit proposals for posters (pdf) to Veit Arlt (
The general assembly of the society will be held in the framework of the Swiss Researching Africa Days on Friday evening 26 October 2018.
For the Board of the SSAS/SGAS/SSEA: Didier Péclard, Tobias Haller and Veit Arlt
For the University of Bern: Tobias Haller, Carole Ammann and Melanie Sampoyo
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