Events PhD

07 Jun 2024
14:15  - 17:45

Rheinsprung 21



Workshop: "Knowledge Production in Sexual and Reproductive Health"

Hybrid workshop with Richard Sambaiga, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Dar es Salaam

Organized by the ZASB Key Area of Activity “Health” in collaboration with the Medical Anthropology Research Group (MARG), University of Basel and the Society, Gender and Health Unit at the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute.

Various actors are involved in the (co-)production of sexual and reproductive health knowledge(s), through research and policymaking, but also through lived experiences. This workshop seeks to facilitate a critical engagement with the processes and dynamics inherent to knowledge production in health research, with a particular focus on the field of sexual and reproductive health (SRH). This hybrid event brings together experts at different stages of their academic careers and from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds who study themes related to SRH. We open with a keynote by Dr Richard Sambaiga, who has dedicated much of his academic career to researching SRH, specifically in the Tanzanian context, followed by an interactive roundtable discussion. Insights and conclusions from the workshop will be incorporated as part of a critical engagement with the Swiss TPH’s planned winter symposium on gender and health in November 2024.

Registration: Please register your participation no later than Friday 31 May 2024 via

14:15-14:30 Welcome (Andrea Kaiser-Grolimund and Sonja Merten)

14:30-15-15 Keynote and discussion: ‘Sexual and Reproductive Health as a Contested Terrain: Reflections from Tanzania’ (Richard Sambaiga, University of Dar es Salaam). Moderation:Brigit Obrist

15:15-15:45 Coffee break

15:45-17:15 Round table: Knowledge production in Sexual and Reproductive Health in interdisciplinary perspective – ongoing research at the University of Basel (Swiss TPH, Department of History, Medical Anthropology Research Group). Discussant: Richard Sambaiga. Moderation: Danelle van Zyl-Hermann

17:15-17:45 Concluding remarks and outlook to future events (Sonja Merten)

17:45: Apéro

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