/ Research, Doctorate/PhD

Call for applications: Creating a Network for Early-Career Scholars Affected by Racism and Classism

Retreat organized by the Swiss Young Academy, Bern, 29-31 August 2022

In 2021, the Swiss Young Academy organized a retreat to address issues around racism and classism in Swiss Higher Education. Early-Career Researchers (ECRs) identifying as first-generation academics and/or Black/Indigenous/People of Colour/Jewish/Migrants were invited to create a space where issues could be openly addressed to identify systemic obstacles and possible ways forward.

Participants diagnosed a silence around race and class within equality and diversity discourses at Swiss universities. In view of the emerging debate about academic precarity in Switzerland, this year will focus on building a self-sustaining support network for ECRs affected by classism and/or racism to envision ways forward and provide the informal mutual support and mentoring participants identified as crucial.

Time: Monday, 29th August 2022 - Wednesday, 31st August 2022
Place: Bern
Participants: up to 20 early career researchers
Registration deadline: 14 August 2022