Research practice and internships

Completing a research, practical or professional internship is an integral and compulsory part of the MA programme African Studies and is recommended for all students with a focus on Africa.
Practical training can either be research-based, independent field work, archival research or working practicals. The Centre for African Studies offers field trips to Africa on a regular basis. Students who wish to complete their internship with a company, governmental organisation or NGO are expected to organise their internships themselves. However, the Centre can assist students in planning and undertaking these internships.
The internship reports of our students can be accessed at the executive office of the ZASB. Please indicate the reference number.
Hill, Robin | Öffentlichkeitsarbeit bei Mission 21 | PRA 2018 003 |
Nadja, Gepperth | Research on the Global South | PRA 2018 002 |
Schwarzer, Johanna | Zukunft durch nachhaltige Landwirtschaft. Eine Erfolgsstory aus Simbabwe. Zwei Gastreferenten aus dem Poret Projekt zu Besuch in der Schweiz | PRA 2018 001 |
Danielle, Isler | ECAS 2017 in Basel- The best ECAS of all time? | PRA 2017 013 |
Selina, Lüthi | pbi-making space for peace | PRA 2017 012 |
Ramata, Musa | Practical Experience Work Report at the Houston Museum of African American Culture | PRA 2017 011 |
Lena, Wunderlin | Solar Association Tiloo - Co-Managing an NGO | PRA 2017 010 |
Tebuho Winnie, Kanyimba | Internship report: ECAS Film Sessions | PRA 2017 009 |
Luisa, Cardenas | Internship Report ECAS | PRA 2017 008 |
Mbaraka, Matitu | Internship Report (Marche to July 2017) at Center for African Studies | PRA 2017 007 |
Nestor, Zante | De l'élaboration des archives et de l'évaluation interne ECAS 2017 | PRA 2017 006 |
Mahsun, Oti | Internship Report: 7th European Conference on African Studies | PRA 2017 005 |
Gene Anthony, Stewart | A Report in Interning for the European Conference on African Studies | PRA 2017 004 |
Eva Sophie, Sidler | Praktikum als Teamleiterin an der 7. European Conference on African Studies | PRA 2017 003 |
Patricia, Kuhn | Basler Afrikabibliographien (BAB) | PRA 2017 002 |
Nicole Bolliger | Women's Microfinance Intitiative in Uganda | PRA 2017 001 |
Emmanuel Arkoh, Fordjour | Migranten helfen Migranten | PRA 2016 002 |
Merel, van Zelderen | AfricanWise as connector, supporter, partner, mediator and chnager for cooperation between Africa and Europe | PRA 2016 001 |
Bioh, Prince | Mission of Hope International Foundation, Sunyani, Ghana | PRA 2015 003 |
Weber, Angelika | Zwei Gesundheitszentren in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo | PRA 2015 002 |
Lusito, Agnes | Radio X Basel | PRA 2015 001 |
Isaac, Adjei | A Report on Summer Internship with tropenbos International Ghana | PRA 2014 006 |
Chansa, Jennifer | Documenting Career Trajectories in Southern Africa | PRA 2014 005 |
Tabiri, Gordon | Monitoring of Prevalence of Malaria Parasitemia in the Obuasi Municipality after seven Years of Indoor Residual Spraying | PRA 2014 004 |
van Leeuwen, Caro | Research Assistance for „Evidence for Action“ in Ghana | PRA 2014 003 |
Schaefer, Elaine | AGRA Watch: Monitoring Grand Money to Ensure Effective Use of Funds Supporting Agricultural Practices in Africa | PRA 2014 002 |
Cabantac, Myra Mae | Project and Development Verein Kinder in Kenia | PRA 2014 001 |
Krucker, Jeanine | Internship Report: CAWODISA (Children and Wives of Disabled Soldier’s Association) | PRA 2013 004 |
Abukar Mursal, Faduma | Assisting Research at Centre de Documentation et d’Etudes Juridiques, Politiques et Sociales (CEDEJ) | PRA 2013 003 |
Geuder, Jakob | Report on the making of a cultural project in Bamako, KaYelema | PRA 2013 002 |
Müller, Nina | Stiftung Kinderdirekthilfe Kolumbien | PRA 2013 001 |
Adisa David Oladimeji | Yoruba Gelede Mask Collection of Musuem der Kulturen Basel | PRA 2012 003 |
Zumthurm, Tizian | Mitarbeit an einem akademischen Forschungsprojekt zur historischen Klimaforschung im südlichen Afrika | PRA 2012 002 |
Franz, Tobias | Eidgenössisches Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten (EDA) | PRA 2012 001 |
Grogan, Patrick Meredith | Cataloguing the Katesa Schlosser „Herero“ collection at the BAB | PRA 2011 007 |
Buttà, Chiara | Ethiopian Vibration. Cultural Store | PRA 2011 006 |
Bischoff, Helina | Fonds für Entwicklung und Partnerschaft in Afrika (FEPA): Social standards in the production of fruit an wine in South Africa. Opportunities for Advocacy work amongst Swiss Retailers. | PRA 2011 005 |
Julien, Nora | Femina Health Information Project Dar es Salaam | PRA 2011 004 |
Taube, Dorothea | Entwicklungspolitisches Bildungs- und Informationszentrum Berlin | PRA 2011 003 |
Küng, Myriam | Projet de recherche sur les stratégies rhétoriques de la campagne anti-minarets en Suisse | PRA 2011 002 |
Lortie, Leona | Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut | PRA 2011 001 |
Schelling, Anna | Growth Integrated Development Programmes, Ghana | PRA 2010 010 |
Kley-Gomez, Chantelle | An Anthropologist at Work: Classifying the poetic writing of Edward Sapir, Ruth Benedict and Margaret Mead | PRA 2010 009 |
Ghebreghiorghis, Tesfalem | A Report of an Internship with SOS Rassismus Deutschschweiz | PRA 2010 008 |
Ismaila, Yakubu | NGOs as Agents of Change in Health Development: The Agogo Presbyterian PHC Unit and CBS Volunteers | PRA 2010 007 |
Chantal Wullimann | Department of Epidemiology and Public Health Project: TAPAS-Internship Report | PRA 2010 006 |
Hakizimana, Joël | Working for UNESCO | PRA 2010 005 |
Howell, Brian | Richland Community College Department of Humanities and Fine Arts | PRA 2010 004 |
Bonenberger, Marc | Unterernährung auf Sansibar | PRA 2010 003 |
Ammann, Carole | Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Regionalprogramm Politischer Dialog Westafrika | PRA 2010 002 |
Bishop, Stephanie | Internship Report: Centre for African Studies | PRA 2010 001 |
Grolimund, Andrea | Praktikum beim Schweizerischen Tropeninstitut Basel | PRA 2009 005 |
Viczián, Andrea | Young Learners Discovering the World; One Laptop per Child | PRA 2009 004 |
Chan, Judith | The International Organization of Migration; Nairobi Mission with Regional Functions | PRA 2009 003 |
Obrecht, Martina | Bericht über das berufsbezogene Praktikum bei der Ausländerberatung der GGG | PRA 2009 002 |
Renggli, Francesca | SOS Rassismus Deutschweiz | PRA 2009 001 |
Affentranger, Lukas | Practical at Solidarmed in Chiure, Mozambique | PRA 2008 003 |
Näf-Gloor, Sandra | Wissensmanagement in der Schweizer Aussenpolitik | PRA 2008 002 |
Abdel-Ati, Ibrahim | Internship at the United Nations Headquarters – New York | PRA 2008 001 |
Fenner, Sarah | SOS Rassismus Deutschweiz | PRA 2007 003 |
Saxer, Nadine | Praktikum beim ugandischen Roten Kreuz | PRA 2007 002 |
Gastrow, Claudia | European Students Africa Conference 2007 | PRA 2007 001 |
Kyburz, Sonja; Nyffenegger, Manuela; Weber, Cyrilla | „Aus Hingabe an die Meinen tue ich alles“ | PRA 2006 002 |
Kyburz, Sonja | Integration Basel | PRA 2006 001 |
Schubert, Jon | Swisspeace-Forschungspraktikum | PRA 2005 003 |
Weber, Cyrilla | IAMANEH Schweiz | PRA 2005 002 |
Brühwiler, Benjamin | Praktikantenanstellung bei der Wochenzeitung African News Digest in Houston, Texas | PRA 2005 001 |
Yéré, Henri-Michel | Dialog und Fest. An Assistant Coordinator Speaks, Internship Report on the Organisation of the ABSA 2004 Festival | PRA 2004 004 |
Neugebauer, Inge | Aktionsgemeinschaft solidarische Welt e.V. Berlin | PRA 2004 003 |
Czendlik, Daria | Report on Internship with Masiye Camp and REPSSI in Zimbabwe | PRA 2004 002 |
Pulver, Jeanne | Strindberg in Ougadougou. Bericht des Forschungspraktikums und des Kulturaustauschprojektes „Deux pays en échange“ | PRA 2004 001 |
Further information
- Studies at the University of Basel
- Course directory of the University of Basel
- Open Auditorium - refugees as course auditors
- Skuba – Student Union of the University of Basel
- Bachelor and Master programmes at the Swiss TPH
- Studies at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Studies at the Faculty of Science
- Support Services and Ombudsman's Office of the University of Basel