The Centre for African Studies Basel ZASB coordinates Africa-related teaching and research at the University of Basel and its partner institutions. It is an acknowledged centre for interdisciplinary Africa-focused research and offers a Master's and a PhD in African Studies as well as a continuing education programme for professionals.
Ethnologisches Seminar, Münsterplatz 19, 4051 Basel
Fachbereich Ethnologie
David Howes: "Coming To Our Senses: Proposal for the Creation of a Multisensory Collaboratory for the Enhancement of Individual and Collective Well-Being"
Hörsaal, Institut St. Johanns-Vorstadt 10, 4056 Basel
Association de la Colonne Sans Fin en Chocolat, même
Podiumsdiskussion: "Constantin Brâncuși und die Dekolonisierung der Kunst"
Seminarraum 5, Swiss TPH, Kreuzstrasse 2, 4123 Allschwil
Swiss TPH, Séminaire d'études françaises à Bâle & ZASB
Noël Nétonon Ndjekery: "Il n'y a pas d'arc-en-ciel au paradis"
Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, Augustinergasse 2, 4051 Basel
Basler Museen
Vortragstag: "Die ganze Geschichte – Provenienzforschung in den Basler Museen"
The Centre for African Studies
Study and further education programmes

University of Basel
Centre for African Studies Basel
Rheinsprung 21
4051 Basel
Tel: +41 (0)61 207 34 82
How to find us:
The ZASB is very easy to reach by public transport. It takes about five minutes to reach the Centre from the tram/bus stops Schifflände (trams #6/8/11/14/16, buses #34/36) and Kunstmuseum (tram #1/2).