University Main Library, Schönbeinstrasse 18-20, Basel
UB, BAB, ZASB, Swiss TPH, Mission 21, MKB
Exhibition: "Deal with it – African heritage in Basel"

With the university's clear commitment to research about, in, with and for Africa, Basel has developed into a national and international centre for interdisciplinary African research. This development is based on a longer tradition of academic engagement with Africa in the Basel region. Thus, Basel hosts a unique concentration of Africa-related institutions. Basel is home to a unique concentration of Africa-related institutions, including the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, the Museum der Kulturen Basel, Mission 21 and the Basler Afrika Bibliographien, all of which have decades of experience. Why is it in Basel, in Switzerland, of all places, that there is such an accumulation of institutions related to the African continent with international appeal? The exhibition addresses this and similar questions. It presents the individual as well as common history of these Basel institutions from the perspective of five students. The institutions as well as the visitors to the exhibition are invited to engage with this perspective, thus creating a space for discourse. In this way, "Deal with it" aims to realise a long overdue critical and differentiated examination of the history of Basel's institutional African landscape. |
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