Eigene News

Exploratory Study SSC

/ Research

Publication: New International Science and Technology Policies - Key Issues and Questions in Switzerland

An exploratory study conducted on behalf of the Swiss Science Council SSC that examines the positioning of Switzerland on the level of international S&T policies.

/ Research, Studies, Doctorate/PhD

Call: Swiss Researching Africa Days (Bern, 26.-27.10.2018)

SSAS, Africa Days

/ Research, Studies, Doctorate/PhD

Call: fifth Namibia Research Day in Basel

Basler Afrika Bibliographien
AfrikaBulletin no 170

Afrika Bulletin 170: "Literatur schreibt Geschichte neu"

Das Afrika-Bulletin Nr. 140 vom November 2010 widmete sich dem Thema «Literatur und Zeitgeschehen» – es war die erste Ausgabe, die in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Zentrum für Afrikastudien Basel (ZASB) entstand. Nach inzwischen dreissig…

/ Research, Doctorate/PhD

Visiting research fellowships for advanced PhD students and early postdocs

SARECO - Swiss-African Research Cooperation

/ Research, People

Michelle Engeler wins SNSF Scientific Image Competition

The yearly competition awards photographs and videos taken by researchers at Swiss institutions in four categories. Michelle Engeler, postdoc at the ZASB, is the winner in the category “Women and men of science”.

/ Studies, People

Diploma galore

We congratulate our students to the successful examination of the Master and PhD degree: Matthew Osei-Gyawu: "Livelihood Resilience and Perceived Vulnerability to Flooding among the Urban Poor in Accra" (MA) Lena Wunderlin: "Comparing,…

/ Studies

Fachgruppe African Studies

First FG for African Studies now launched!
afrika-bulletin 169

Afrika Bulletin 169: "Unabhängige Justiz – ein Paradox?"

Am 1. September 2017 erklärte der Oberste Gerichtshof Kenyas die Präsidentschaftswahl, aus der der bisherige Präsident Uhuru Kenyatta siegreich hervorgegangen war, als ungültig – ein in der jüngeren afrikanischen Geschichte einmaliges…
Urban Dreams

/ Research

Publication: Urban Dreams - Transformations of Family Life in Burkina Faso

Claudia Roth's work on Bobo-Dioulasso, a city of half a million residents in Burkina Faso, provides uniquely detailed insight into the evolving life-world of a West African urban population in one of the poorest countries in the world.