Interdisciplinary research in an international environment
Doctoral studies at the Centre for African Studies
Doctoral students at the ZASB have the option to enrol either for the interdisciplinary PhD degree in African Studies or for a PhD in any discipline related to the Centre. Thematic research groups as well as the Basel Graduate Network African Studies offer a specific framework for the supervision of individual PhD students and projects.
In order to be admitted to PhD studies, graduates have to solicit the support of one of the professors associated with the Centre and fulfil the general criteria for admission to doctoral studies at the University of Basel.
Graduate Events
Doctorate News
Further information
- Basel Graduate Network African Studies
- Events for PhD students
- Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Doktorat an der Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät
- Graduate Center of the University of Basel
- Admission to doctoral studies at the University of Basel
- Career Advancement Office
- Support Services and Ombudsman's Office of the University of Basel