We encourage all students enrolled in African Studies or other study programmes with an Africa focus to get to know other universities. We are happy to advise you if you would like to attend courses at other universities in Switzerland or in the Region of Basel, and we assist you with finding a host university and with organising an exchange semester or year abroad, particularly in Africa.

Swiss Mobility
There are other Swiss universities besides Basel, which offer Africa-related courses. In the frame of the agreement Swiss Mobility, students can attend courses at these universities and have their credits recognized. In particular, the Centre cooperates with the francophone programme Master en études africaines at the University of Geneva and with the University of Lausanne that offers a specialization Études africaineswith focus on literature.
Our recommendations for courses of free choice include teaching events at other Swiss universities.

Eucor – The European Campus
Eucor is a cross-border association of five universities in the Upper Rhein region (Basel, Freiburg, Strasbourg, Mulhouse/Colmar and Karlsruhe) that, among other areas, promotes student exchange. Attending courses at the Eucor partner universities might also be of interest for students with a focus on Africa.

AEGIS: The European African studies network
The Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies (AEGIS) includes among its members many influential teaching and research centres. These networked institutions place an emphasis on the humanities and social sciences. We encourage students to benefit from this network and study at a partner institution for some time or to participate in a Summer School programme.

The ERASMUS programme allows students to study at another European university for one or two semesters and have the credits earned at the host institution recognized. Now, the programme also supports internships of two to twelve months.

Universities in Africa
We encourage our students to enrich their study experiences by studying at an African university. For this reason we set up cooperations with African universities and look forward to informing you about current study opportunities. Kindly approach the coordination office with your enquiries.

Further Student Exchange Possibilities
The Student Exchange office of the University of Basel will inform you about further study opportunities abroad.
Further information
- Studies at the University of Basel
- Course directory of the University of Basel
- Open Auditorium - refugees as course auditors
- Skuba – Student Union of the University of Basel
- Bachelor and Master programmes at the Swiss TPH
- Studies at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Studies at the Faculty of Science
- Support Services and Ombudsman's Office of the University of Basel