Customized courses for your engagement in Africa
To assist your company or organisation in preparing leadership and staff for an engagement in an African context, together with you we design tailor-made learning events.

African societies are transforming rapidly. Promising opportunities arise for development cooperation, international relations and economic enterprise in Africa. There are, however, old and new challenges and obstacles. These range from cultural differences in leadership styles and partnership models to uncertain rule of law or fragile statehood. The regional leadership and the staff engaged in and with Africa need to develop resources that allow them to efficiently and sustainably take advantage of Africa’s great potential for development.
We believe that to avoid and avert failure, engagement in Africa should be guided by solid knowledge. This includes knowledge about the structural and cultural conditions that undergird every opportunity as these can undermine the invested efforts. It is important to be equipped with the analytical skills to appreciate the potential and challenges at stake, and to know how culture impacts communication and management.
Learning events may explore the following issues:
How to work in Africa
Culture and what it means; cultural self-awareness and intercultural communication; intercultural competence and global management skills; conflict prevention and resolution
How to understand Africa
What we know, what we don’t know and what we assume; the role of history and contingency; how to make sense of information resources
How Africa works
State-society relation and the main actors; fragile statehood and the rule of law; political culture and stability; development and economic policy; media and the public sphere; the role of religion; international relations and global trade
We offer events in various formats:
Intensive courses
For small groups - such as members of an upcoming mission or the management staff of a new branch - we offer short intensive courses with aspects of a briefing. The focus is on the compact imparting of background knowledge about crucial structural and cultural conditions framing a specific context.
Block courses
Half day or full day courses are geared towards groups of 5 to 20 persons - such as selected staff or units of an organization. They allow for the further development of fundamental analytical skills regarding a specific working environment and/or for deepening relevant background knowledge.
Seminars and keynotes
We can contribute to successful events or retreats with keynotes or seminars for a larger number of participants. We place emphasis on concise and informative inputs and on highlighting new perspectives and approaches.
Coordinator continuing education

Pascal Schmid
Centre for African Studies Basel
Rheinsprung 21
4051 Basel
Tel: +41 61 207 34 82