Job portal

Listed below are posts that might be of interest to the African Studies community advertised by our partner institutions or other organizations. Please refer to the contacts and websites indicated in the announcements for further information.

/ Research

Job: Assistant Professor of sub-Saharan African History

Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA

/ Studies

Job: Mitarbeiter*in Projekte Junge Erwachsene (20-30%)

Mission 21, Basel

/ Studies, Doctorate/PhD

PhD position: "Gender, Migration and Social Mobility among West African women in Europe"

Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle, Germany

/ Studies

Praktikum: Ethnographische Sammlung (60-70%)

Bernisches Historisches Museum

/ Research, Doctorate/PhD

Job: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Social Anthropology (60%)

Department of Social Sciences, University of Basel

/ Studies, Doctorate/PhD

4 PhD Positions: "Empires: Dynamic Change, Temporality and Post-​Imperial Orders"

University of Freiburg, Germany

/ Studies, Doctorate/PhD

2 PhD scholarships at the ZASB: "Sexuality, mobility and political economy in Africa"

Centre for African Studies, University of Basel

/ Research

PhD Position: "Unruly Spaces. Public Space, Society and Politics in Urban Africa"

Global Studies Institute, University of Geneva

/ Studies, Doctorate/PhD

PhD position: "The Global Papacy of Pius XII: Catholicism in a Divided World, 1945-1958"

Departement Zeitgeschichte, Universität Fribourg

/ Studies, Doctorate/PhD

Two PhD positions: "The Afterlives of Development Interventions in Eastern Africa"

Centre of International Studies (CEI), Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon