Eigene News

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/ Info

Afrika Bulletin Nr. 191: "50 Jahre Afrika-Komitee – 50 Jahre gelebte Solidarität"

«50 Jahre Afrika-Komitee – 50 Jahre Solidarität» lautet das Motto der Geburtstagsfeier im September 2023. Mit dem vorliegenden Bulletin blicken wir auf ein Engagement während eines halben Jahrhunderts zurück und haben einen bunten Strauss…
Colleen Jane Taylor

/ People

Prof. em. Jane Taylor (1956-2023)

The South African scholar and former visiting scholar at eikones and the Centre for African Studies passed away in Cape Town.
Verkehrsschild nahe Pella

/ Research, Studies, Doctorate/PhD

Call: 10th Namibia Research Day in Basel and Windhoek

Basler Afrika Bibliographien and ZASB, together with the School of Humanities, Society and Development of the University of Namibia, invite students and scholars working on Namibia to participate in the 10th Namibia Research Day (21 October…
cover page

/ Research

Publication: "It is difficult for us to treat their pain". Health professionals' perceptions of Somali pastoralists in the context of pain management: a conceptual model"

Peter van Eeuwijk and Jakob Zinsstag are co-authors of an article which seeks to understand health professionals’ perceptions of Somali pastoralists in the context of pain management in Eastern Ethiopia.
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/ Research

Publication: "Waiting Out the Rush: On the Durability of Wealth in Kenya’s Coastal Sex Economies"

In this book chapter, George Paul Meiu examines what waiting practices reveal about the production of value in Mtwapa, a coastal town known as Kenya’s “Sin City”, that has witnessed a rush of investments, commodification, and people. He…

/ Research

Call for papers: "Conjunctions of Archives and Public Spheres: Embodied Histories, Memory and Multi-Media Archives in and from Africa"

The conference, to be held in Basel as a hybrid event, aims at bringing archivists, curators, scholars, artists and a broader academic audience into conversation.
screenshot srf

/ Info

In den Medien: "Entwicklungs-zusammenarbeit auf Augenhöhe: Geht das?"

In der Radiosendung "Perspektiven" erklärt Elísio Macamo, warum er es für unmöglich hält, Entwicklungszusammenarbeit tatsächlich zu "entkolonisieren".
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/ Research

Publication: "De Aar: Lines of Architecture in the Making of a South African Town (1902–1977)"

Giorgio Miescher reconstructs in this book the history of a former railway town, known as an early example of modern urban planning, located in the Northern Cape province of South Africa.
Summer School

/ Research, Doctorate/PhD

Call for applications: "Making Knowledge Policy-Relevant: The SSH’s Role in Global Sustainable Development" (ZASB Summer School 2023)

The Centre for African Studies at the University of Basel calls for applications for its 2023 Summer School in African Studies from 23 August to 01 September 2023. The deadline for applications is 02 July 2023.
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/ Research

Publication: "The Lower !Garib – Orange River Pasts and Presents of a Southern African Border Region"

Giorgio Miescher and Luregn Lenggenhager are co-editors of a volume that examines the social history, geography, and economy of a hardly researched border region between Namibia and South Africa. The publication results from the Swiss South…