Feed eigene Veranstaltungen
Rheinsprung 21, Raum 00.004
Zentrum für Afrikastudien
Mondli Hlatshwayo: The so-called Government of National Unity of South Africa and the implications for the working-class and its organizations
Rheinsprung 21, CH-4051 Basel
Zentrum für Afrikastudien
Semester-Apéro of the Centre for African Studies
Markthalle Basel, Salon
Center for Gender Studies Basel
Luisa Schneider: "Bridging the Divide: Reimagining Researchers and Research Practices through Feminist Ethics of Care and Institutional Responsibility"
Center for Gender Studies, Rheinsprung 21, 4051 Basel
Center for Gender Studies
Workshop: "Still ‘Vexing’ for Care in Neoliberal Universities"
Urban Studies and Centre of African Studies, Basel
PRECURBICA Project and Swiss Society for African Studies.
International Workshop: "Liquid Urbanisms in Africa: Thinking Climate Adaptation with and through Water"
Centre for African Studies Basel
Centre for African Studies and Department of Social Sciences at the University of Basel