
The pages of the key areas of activities provide an overview of recent publications. More comprehenisve lists of publications by our members are avaialable via the research database and the edoc repository of the University of Basel and, respectively, the websites of the partner institutions. 

Latest publications


/ Research

Publication: Growing Wild. The Correspondence of a Pioneering Woman Naturalist from the Cape

Tanja Hammel and Jasmin Rindlisbacher coedited the publication of Mary Elizabeth Barber's scientific correspondence. Barber was the first woman ornithologist in South Africa, an early archaeologist, keen botanist and interested…

/ News, Research

Publication: Women and Photography in Africa: Creative Practices and Feminist Challenges

The collection "Women and Photography in Africa" edited by Lorena Rizzo, Darren Newbury and Kylie Thomas draws on recent conceptual and methodological developments in photographic scholarship.
cover page of article

/ News, Research, Doctorate/PhD

Publication: The cosmic submarine—Yugen Blakrok’s sonar echoes

This article by Pius Jonas Vögele explores South African hip-hop artist Yugen Blakrok, applying Afrofuturism as a conceptual framework.
cover page

/ Research

Publication: A worm's-eye view of wildlife trafficking in Uganda – the path of least resistance

The working paper by the Basel Institute on Governance's Public Governance team digs deep into the dynamics feeding a multi-billion-dollar global illicit trade in wildlife and wildlife products. It tackles a simple two-part question: why…
Cover Picture

/ News, Research

Publication: Colonial Resonances

In this essay Jon Schubert charts the resonance of colonial urbanism in contemporary urban renewal projects in the Angolan port city of Lobito.
first page of article by Lesley Braun

/ Research

Publication: Infectious Images: Viral Internet Content in the Democratic Republic of Congo

This article co-authored by Lesley Braun explores how and why digital content is shared and moved into circulation in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It describes how visual genres such as print cartoons and popular painting now overlap…
first page of article by sandra schlumpf

/ Research

Publication: African languages and Spanish among Equatoguineans in Madrid

Sandra Schlumpf-Thurnherr's article is based on semi-directed, sociolinguistic interviews with Equatoguineans of two ethnic groups: Bubi and Fang. The results show the importance of relating data to the contemporary as well as historical…
Cover of the book Science and Technology Studies Elsewhere

/ Research

Publication: Science & Technology Studies Elsewhere. A Postcolonial Programme

In her book, Alexandra Hofmännner argues that new concepts and analytical approaches are necessary to investigate current global dynamics in science, technology and society, so as to deliver insights that the recent expansion of STS…
Cover of the thesis Multinational mines and communities of place

/ Research, Doctorate/PhD

Publication: Multinational Mines and Communities of Place: Revisiting the Stakeholder Dialogue Discourse in Geita, Tanzania

In his PhD thesis, Albert Tibaijuka demonstrates that analysis of the antagonistic relationship between multinational mines and communities, offers a productive way through which deeper understanding of corporate–community relations,…
Flood Levels and Borderlines

/ Research

Publication: Flood Levels and Borderlines – Livestock Farming and Evictions Resistance at the !Garib/Orange River in Southern Africa

In their contribution, Luregn Lenggenhager (ZASB) and Andrea Rosengarten (Northwestern University) analyse the relation between flood levels, borderlines and resistance to forced removals and evictions at the Orange River in South Africa.
cover page

/ Research

Publication: Petty corruption in the public sector: A comparative study of three East African countries through a behavioural lens

This article makes a novel contribution to understanding petty corruption in East Africa. By providing evidence of behavioural drivers of petty corruption in Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda, the research could help in designing more effective…
cover of african arts

/ Research

Publication: The Moving Parts in Michèle Magema's Body of Work

Lesley Nicole Braun discusses the fragmented images of women in Michèle Magema's work. The article considers the artist's practice and her explorations of local understandings of circulating femininity, power, and leadership.
first page of article

/ Research

Publication: ‘Murdered Mozarts.’ Narrative of a Previous Malian Student Generation in the Era of the Crumbling State

In her article, Noemi Steuer examines the life histories of former Malian students who were actively involved in the protest movement of 1980.
Heuser & Koehrsen, 2020. Does Religion make a Difference

/ Research

Publication: Does Religion Make a Difference? Religious NGOs in International Development Collaboration

This volume co-edited by Andreas Heuser examines different religions and their different religions and their collaborative development work in various regions of the world.
first page

/ Research

Publication: Transfigurations of Aging: Everyday Self-Care in a Civil Servant Milieu of Dar es Salaam

Andrea Kaiser-Grollimund examines health-promoting self-care practices of older urban dwellers and transfigurations of the social imaginary of aging in Dar es Salaam’s middle class.
book cover

/ Research

Publication: Decolonising the Academy: A Case for Convivial Scholarship (Carl Schlettwein Lecture 2019)

Francis B. Nyamnjoh's Carl Schlettwein Lecture makes a plea for not just conversations across disciplines but also the integration of popular epistemologies into scholarship. The lecture was held in the frame of the conference "Africa and …
first page

/ Research

Publication: Women and Migration

In her contribution to the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History, Lesley Nicole Braun explores African women’s experiences of migration and transregional movements during the colonial period.
cover JWAH

/ Research, Doctorate/PhD

Publication: Becoming/Being Gã, Straddling ‘Spaces,’ and Negotiating Boundaries in the Gold Coast Christian ‘Model Town’ (Abokobi), ca. 1860–1980

This article by Ernest Sewordor analyses the model town Abokobi established by the Basel Mission completely outside the sociopolitical ambit of an existing Accra polity.

/ Research

Publication: Rethinking White Societies in Southern Africa, 1930-1990s

This book co-edited by Danelle van Zyl-Hermann showcases new research by emerging and established scholars on white workers and the white poor in Southern Africa.
first page

/ Research

Publication: Medical Anthropology in, of, for and with Africa: Three Hotspots

This review article by Brigit Obrist and Piet van Eeuwijk revisit three much debated issues in medical anthropology: making African global health, framing traditional medicine, and tackling culturalism.
cover basel papers no 20 21

/ Research

Publication: Ethnographic Vignettes - Social Change and Social Encounters in Solwezi, Northwestern Zambia

In the latest double issue of the Basel Papers on Political Transformations, master students in Social Anthropology and African Studies engage with the question of how to present social change with the help of vignettes.
Book cover

/ Research

Publication: Photography and History in Colonial Southern Africa: Shades of Empire

Lorena Rizzo's book examines the relationship between photography and colonial history in Southern Africa.
Youth and the State in Guinea

/ Research

Publication: Youth and the State in Guinea: Meandering Lives

By combining an ethnographic study of youth with an analysis of the local state in the making, this research monograph introduces the perspective of »meandering lives« to grasp being young and growing up in the Guéckédou borderland, a…
Digitalization and the Field of African Studies

/ Research

Publication: Digitalization and the Field of African Studies

In the Carl Schlettwein Lecture 2017, Mirjam de Bruijn reflects on two decades of research experience in West and Central Africa and discusses how, for her, the field has changed.
Science, Africa and Europe

/ Research

Publication: Science, Africa and Europe. Processing Information and Creating Knowledge

This book poses questions about the changing role of science and expert knowledge for the relationship between Europe and Africa, and examines how scientific knowledge was shaped, adapted and redefined in African contexts.
SNIS Valueworks

/ Research

Publication: Valueworks - Effects of Financialization along the Copper Value Chain (Working Paper)

Based on two years of research in Zambia, Switzerland and China, the interdisciplinary research project Valueworks examined the supply and value chain of one metal, copper, across three countries, Zambia, Switzerland and China.
Ruling Nature, Controlling People

/ Research

Publication: Ruling Nature, Controlling People. Nature Conservation, Development and War in North-Eastern Namibia since the 1920s

Recent nature conservation initiatives in Southern Africa such as communal conservancies and peace parks are often embedded in narratives of economic development and ecological research. They are also increasingly marked by militarisation…
Exploratory Study SSC

/ Research

Publication: New International Science and Technology Policies - Key Issues and Questions in Switzerland

An exploratory study conducted on behalf of the Swiss Science Council SSC that examines the positioning of Switzerland on the level of international S&T policies.
Urban Dreams

/ Research

Publication: Urban Dreams - Transformations of Family Life in Burkina Faso

Claudia Roth's work on Bobo-Dioulasso, a city of half a million residents in Burkina Faso, provides uniquely detailed insight into the evolving life-world of a West African urban population in one of the poorest countries in the world.
15 Jahre Afrikastudien an der Universität Basel

/ Research

Publication: 15 Jahre Afrikastudien an der Universität Basel

Das vorliegende Heft widmet sich der Zusammenarbeit der Universität Basel mit Forschern, Universitäten und Ländern in Afrika.