/ Forschung

Horizon Europe transitional measures: SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships and SNSF Advanced Grants

As Switzerland is currently a non-associated third country in the European Union's research and innovation programme, the SNSF has introduced transitional measures for researchers who intended to apply for an ERC Advanced Grant or for a Marie Curie European Fellowship with a beneficiary in Switzerland.

On behalf of the federal government, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) has introduced a transitional measure – the SNSF Advanced Grants – for those who intended to apply for an ERC Advanced Grant in 2021. The grants are aimed at leading researchers who wish to conduct innovative, high-risk research in Switzerland. Interested parties need to register by 1 November 2021 and submit their proposals by 1 December 2021. The call for proposals will be opened on 1 October 2021 on the SNSF website. The call document is already available (see below).

The SNSF is also offering, on behalf of the government, a transitional measure for researchers who had planned to apply for a fellowship under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships Actions (MSCA). Interested researchers can apply to the SNSF for a postdoctoral fellowship at a Swiss research institution. The new funding scheme SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships addresses early-career researchers who have eight or less years of postdoctoral experience. They can register for the scheme by 15 November 2021 and submit their proposals by 15 December 2021. The call will be opened on 15 October 2021 on the SNSF website. The call document is already available (see below).

Transitional solutions will also apply to ERC Starting Grants and ERC Consolidator Grants for 2022 in the event that Swiss researchers are not eligible to submit project proposals for these calls.