Eigene News


/ People

In den Medien: #NoWhiteSaviors: Ist Hilfe von Weissen kolonialistisch?

Elísio Macamo auf swissinfo.ch, 19.10.2021

/ Forschung

Publication: Coloniality of Infrastructure

The Coloniality of Infrastructure essay series is a collaboration between e-flux Architecture, Critical Urbanisms at the University of Basel, and the African Centre for Cities of the University of Cape Town. Contributors include Samia…
title page

/ Forschung

Publication: Left Button Picture, Right Button Bomb. Nature, Warfare and Technology in a Southern African Border Region

With a focus on the Mirage IIIR2Z, an aerial reconnaissance and ground-attack supersonic jet, James Merron and Luregn Lenggenhager examine the relationship between nature conservation and military technology in north-eastern Namibia during…
cover page

/ Forschung

Publication: The role of informal networks in promoting illegal wildlife trade: a qualitative analysis from Uganda

While the role of informal networks in sustaining illegal wildlife trade is ever more on the radar of scholars and practitioners, their modus operandi remains largely understudied. This paper by Jacopo Costa, Claudia Baez‑Camargo, Saba…
Studierende während Vorlesung

/ Forschung, Studium, Doktorat

Doktoratsveranstaltungen im Herbstsemester 2021

Mehrere Einheiten im Forschungsnetzwerk Afrika bieten Workshops und Forschungsseminare an, die sich insbesondere an Doktorierende und Postdocs richten, teilweise aber für alle Interessierten offen sind.
first page

/ Forschung

Publication: The Weight Women Carry. Research on the Visible and Invisible Baggage in Suitcase Trade between China and Africa

This article co-authored by Lesley Braun follows the transnational trajectories of African trader women between China and West and Central Africa and takes stock of some of the weight they shoulder. This refers to the to materiality of the…
cover Afrika-Bulletin 183

/ Info

Afrika-Bulletin Nr. 183: Fragen zur schweizerischen Entwicklungspolitik

Das neue Afrika-Bulletin befasst sich für einmal nicht mit Afrika, sondern mit der schweizerischen Entwicklungspolitik. Ausgangspunkte waren die neuen strategischen Instrumente des Bundesrates zur internationalen Zusammenarbeit sowie die…
journal cover

/ Forschung

Publication: (Un)Sighted Archives of Migration—Spaces of Encounter and Resistance

This special issue of Visual Anthropology co-edited by Fiona Siegenthaler takes a close look at (un)sighted migratory archives and archives of migration. In their introduction, the editors invite readers to engage with archives as spaces of…

/ People

In den Medien: In Sambia wird ein neuer Präsident gewählt

Rita Kesselring auf Radio SRF 4 News (12. August 2021)
book cover

/ Forschung

Publication: Outlines of a Pentecostal Dominion Theology

This book chapter by Andreas Heuser is a detailed study on the conceptual and operational framework of Dominion Theology, in an effort to make sense of the new interactions between Pentecostalism, politics, societal influence, and public…