Eigene News

COVID-19 in Africa – We Need to Rethink Lockdowns

Elisio Macamo in a video interview on The Elefant

/ Forschung

Publication: Rethinking White Societies in Southern Africa, 1930-1990s

This book co-edited by Danelle van Zyl-Hermann showcases new research by emerging and established scholars on white workers and the white poor in Southern Africa.
first page

/ Forschung

Publication: Medical Anthropology in, of, for and with Africa: Three Hotspots

This review article by Brigit Obrist and Piet van Eeuwijk revisit three much debated issues in medical anthropology: making African global health, framing traditional medicine, and tackling culturalism.

/ Forschung, Organisation

ZASB - Forschungsnetzwerk Afrika: Jahresbericht 2019

Unser Jahresbericht vermittelt einen Überblick über die Aktivitäten der Mitglieder unseres Netzwerks in Forschung, Lehre und Wissenstransfer.

/ Forschung, Doktorat

Leading House Region Africa Seed Funding 2020: SDGs in South Africa

The Leading House Region Africa calls for proposals for projects from Swiss academic institutions. Seed funding will be provided for partnerships with research institutions in South Africa, with particular focus on Limpopo province.…

/ Forschung

Annual Report of the Basel Institute on Governance

The Basel Institute on Governance published the annual report for the year 2019.
cover basel papers no 20 21

/ Forschung

Publication: Ethnographic Vignettes - Social Change and Social Encounters in Solwezi, Northwestern Zambia

In the latest double issue of the Basel Papers on Political Transformations, master students in Social Anthropology and African Studies engage with the question of how to present social change with the help of vignettes.

/ Info

Carl Schlettwein Foundation and Basler Afrika Bibliographien: Annual report 2019

The Carl Schlettwein Foundation and the Basler Afrika Bibliographien published their annual report for the year 2019.

/ News, People

Swiss TPH supports Diagnostic Lab for Sars-CoV-2 in Equatorial Guinea

In an interview, Claudia Daubenberger of Swiss TPH speaks about the establishment a diagnostic laboratory for Sars-CoV-2 in Equatorial Guinea and the challenges associated with Sars-CoV-2 diagnostics in sub-Saharan Africa.
Basler Afrika Bibliographien (BAB)

/ News

Wiedereröffnung der Bibliothek der Basler Afrika Bibliographien (BAB)

Die Bibliothek der Basler Afrika Bibliographien wird am 12. Mai 2020 wieder für die öffentliche Nutzung geöffnet.