Eigene News

/ Forschung

Carl Schlettwein Lecture 2019 is published

Basler Afrika Bibliographien | Centre for African Studies
4th CODESRIA/ZASB Summer School 2020

/ Forschung, Doktorat

Call: 4th CODESRIA/CASB Summer School in African Studies and Area Studies in Africa

The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) and the Centre for African Studies in Basel (ZASB) call for applications for their 4th Summer School in African Studies and Area Studies in Africa.

/ Organisation, People

Sonja Merten wird Mitglied des ZASB-Präsidiums

Das Leitungsgremium des Zentrums für Afrikastudien Basel hat an seiner Sitzung vom 2. Juni Sonja Merten ins dreiköpfige Präsidium gewählt.
first page

/ Forschung

Publication: Women and Migration

In her contribution to the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History, Lesley Nicole Braun explores African women’s experiences of migration and transregional movements during the colonial period.

Call: SSAS 6th Swiss Researching Africa Days

Swiss Society for African Studies (Bern, 23-24 October 2020)
cover JWAH

/ Forschung, Doktorat

Publication: Becoming/Being Gã, Straddling ‘Spaces,’ and Negotiating Boundaries in the Gold Coast Christian ‘Model Town’ (Abokobi), ca. 1860–1980

This article by Ernest Sewordor analyses the model town Abokobi established by the Basel Mission completely outside the sociopolitical ambit of an existing Accra polity.

COVID-19 in Africa – We Need to Rethink Lockdowns

Elisio Macamo in a video interview on The Elefant

/ Forschung

Publication: Rethinking White Societies in Southern Africa, 1930-1990s

This book co-edited by Danelle van Zyl-Hermann showcases new research by emerging and established scholars on white workers and the white poor in Southern Africa.
first page

/ Forschung

Publication: Medical Anthropology in, of, for and with Africa: Three Hotspots

This review article by Brigit Obrist and Piet van Eeuwijk revisit three much debated issues in medical anthropology: making African global health, framing traditional medicine, and tackling culturalism.

/ Forschung, Organisation

ZASB - Forschungsnetzwerk Afrika: Jahresbericht 2019

Unser Jahresbericht vermittelt einen Überblick über die Aktivitäten der Mitglieder unseres Netzwerks in Forschung, Lehre und Wissenstransfer.