Eigene News

/ Info

Ist die Bevölkerungsentwicklung ein Problem für Afrika?

Till Förster als Experte für maischberger.die woche, ARD – 14. August 2019

/ Forschung, Doktorat

PAPA fördert Grundlagenforschung in Afrika

Mit der Pilot African Postgraduate Academy (PAPA) startet 2020 bei Point Sud in Bamako, Mali, eine neue Initiative zur Förderung der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften in Afrika.

/ Forschung

Call: Sustainability and the State in Africa: How political rules shape conflicts (Bamako, Nov 23-27, 2019)

Sponsored by the Maria Sibylla Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa (MIASA)

/ Forschung

Call: Swiss Subsaharan Africa Migration Network - pilot studies and academic exchange

On behalf of the Leading House for the Region Africa, the Swiss Subsaharan Africa Migration Network at Université de Neuchatel has launched a new call - the S-SAM Third call 2019 - targeting late PhD and early postdoctoral researchers from…

/ Weiterbildung, Campus

Call: Africa Market Discovery Camp

The Africa Market Discovery Camp aims to boost the entrepreneurial know-how and exposure of 10 Swiss Sciencepreneurs seeking growth opportunities with and in Africa.

/ Weiterbildung, Studium, Doktorat

Call: Swiss Africa Business Innovation Initiative

The Swiss Africa Business Innovation Initiative (SABII) aims to boost the entrepreneurial know-how and exposure of Sub-Saharan graduate students/entrepreneurs seeking growth opportunities by offering a unique program bringing entrepreneurs…

/ Forschung

Call: sixth Namibia Research Day in Basel (27.09.2019)

Basler Afrika Bibliographien
Neubau für das Schweizerische Tropen- und Public Health-Institut

/ Organisation, Campus

Spatenstich für den Neubau des Swiss TPH

Am Freitag, 21. Juni 2019, fand der Spatenstich für den Neubau des Schweizerischen Tropen- und Public Health-Instituts (Swiss TPH) in Allschwil statt.

/ Forschung

CfP: Pentecostal Strategies of Public Engagement

11th conference of the European Research Network on Global Pentecostalism (GloPent.net), Basel, February 14-15, 2020
Teilnehmende Basel Summer School 2017

/ Doktorat

Summer School: "The Value(s) of Science. The normative order of African Studies"

The Centre for African Studies Basel (ZASB) calls for applications for the 4th Basel Summer School in African Studies (9-13 September 2019).