Eigene News
/ Forschung
New Publications from BAB Publishing House
Mirjam de Bruijn's 2017 Carl Schlettwein Lecture Digitalization and the Field of African Studies has been published as part of our Carl Schlettwein Lecture Series. The latest addition to the Basel Southern Africa Studies Series is Renzo…/ Studium
Students complete Master in Anti-Corruption Compliance and Collective Action in Basel
International Master in Anti-Corruption Compliance and Collective Action (IACA)/ Doktorat
Call: IGS North-South Summer School 2019 in Abidjan, Ivory Coast (13-23 June 2019)
Integrated research for sustainable development: Combining public health, natural resource management, and corporate social responsibility approachesKorrupte Bande?
Lucy Koechlin im HörPunkt, Radio SRF2 – 2. April 2019/ Forschung, Weiterbildung
States of fragility: Where to in 2019?
swisspeace policy brief by Dominik Balthasar
Artist in Residence: Thandi Ntuli (27.3.-7.7.2019)
Die junge südafrikanische Pianistin ist zu Gast in Basel und Bern/ Studium
International Digital Exchange between Africa and Switzerland: A multi-sited course
Do you like to travel and exchange? Do you see the social sciences as a method of cross-cultural learning? Do you want to develop your MA thesis in a truly transcontinental endeavor and gain practical skills for the time after your studies?…Schweiz-Sambia-Connection: Alles andere als bescheiden
Projekt 'Valueworks' auf Infosperber.ch – 15. März 2019
Afrika-Bulletin Nr. 173: Demokratische Republik Kongo
«Der Kongo». Was für eine Anmassung, über dieses riesige Land zu berichten, ohne eine ganze Bibliothek zu füllen ! Wir wagen es trotzdem – im Wissen, mit unserem begrenzten Blick nur gerade zwei, drei Regentropfen zu beschreiben, die in…