Eigene News

Digitalization and the Field of African Studies

/ Forschung

Publication: Digitalization and the Field of African Studies

In the Carl Schlettwein Lecture 2017, Mirjam de Bruijn reflects on two decades of research experience in West and Central Africa and discusses how, for her, the field has changed.

/ Weitere, Forschung

Preview: Publications on Southern Africa

2019 catalogue
Science, Africa and Europe

/ Forschung

Publication: Science, Africa and Europe. Processing Information and Creating Knowledge

This book poses questions about the changing role of science and expert knowledge for the relationship between Europe and Africa, and examines how scientific knowledge was shaped, adapted and redefined in African contexts.
SNIS Valueworks

/ Forschung

Publication: Valueworks - Effects of Financialization along the Copper Value Chain (Working Paper)

Based on two years of research in Zambia, Switzerland and China, the interdisciplinary research project Valueworks examined the supply and value chain of one metal, copper, across three countries, Zambia, Switzerland and China.
Cover Afrika-Bulletin No 172

/ Events

Swiss Transit Trade and Zambia - special issue in English of the Afrika-Bulletin

Thanks to the initiative and support of SNIS (Swiss Network of International Studies) the current issue of the Afrika-Bulletin is now available in English.
Afrika Bulletin 172

Afrika-Bulletin 172: Schweizer Transithandel und Zambia

Das vorliegende Bulletin diskutiert die wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen der Schweiz zum Süden; konkret untersuchen die Autorinnen und Autoren dieses Thema am Beispiel von Zambia und dessen Kupfer. Die Beiträge sind im Rahmen des…

/ Forschung

Tina Tra Goin Lou Virginie: From Visibility to Invisibility (Basel Papers on Governance No. 15)

Conflicts over Agro-pastoral Resources in Tienko (Northern Côte d'Ivoire)
Ruling Nature, Controlling People

/ Forschung

Publication: Ruling Nature, Controlling People. Nature Conservation, Development and War in North-Eastern Namibia since the 1920s

Recent nature conservation initiatives in Southern Africa such as communal conservancies and peace parks are often embedded in narratives of economic development and ecological research. They are also increasingly marked by militarisation…

Afrika Bulletin 171: Illicit Financial Flows

Afrikas Staaten mit ihren teilweise gewaltigen Rohstoffvorkommen verlieren gemäss dem Mbeki-Report aus dem Jahr 2015 jährlich 50 Milliarden USD, die über sogenannte Illicit Financial Flows aus ihren Volkswirtschaften abgezogen werden. Bei…

/ Studium

Social Anthropology Field Course Burkina Faso (2018/2019)

Do you want to learn more about everyday life in ordinary African cities such as Koudougou, Tenkodogo, Banfora Ouahigouya, Bobo Dioulasso Fada N‘Gourma, Ouagadougou?