
24 Apr 2024
16:15  - 18:00

Institute of Social Anthropology, Münsterplatz 19, 4051 Basel

Institute of Social Anthropology

Kolloquium / Seminar

Book Roundtable: "Queer Objects to the Rescue: Intimacy and Citizenship in Kenya"

Anthropological Crossroads Colloquium, Institute of Social Anthropology

Campaigns calling on police and citizens to purge their countries of homosexuality have taken hold across the world. But the “homosexual threat” they claim to be addressing is not always easy to identify. To make that threat visible, leaders, media, and civil society groups have deployed certain objects as signifiers of queerness. In Kenya, for example, bead necklaces, plastics, and even diapers have come to represent the danger posed by homosexual behavior to an essentially “virile” construction of national masculinity. This roundtable will discuss George Paul Meiu's new book Queer Objects to the Rescue, a book which explores objects that have played an important and surprising role in both state-led and popular attempts to rid Kenya of various imagined threats to intimate life. Meiu shows that their use in the political imaginary has been crucial to representing the homosexual body as a societal threat and as a target of outrage, violence, and exclusion, while also crystallizing anxieties over wider political and economic instability. To effectively understand and critique homophobia, Meiu suggests, we must take these objects seriously and recognize them as potential sources for new forms of citizenship, intimacy, resistance, and belonging.

George Paul Meiu (University of Basel) in conversation with Anne Lavanchy (Haute École de Travail Social Genève) and Serena Dankwa (University of Basel).

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