
17 Mai 2019
09:00  - 13:00

Rheinsrpung 21, room 00.002


Worskhop: Inclusive Environment and Bystander Training

With Dr. Rebekka Hufendiek and Deborah Mühlebach (MA)

It is well-known that universities often cultivate a chilly climate. Such a chilly climate especially affects members of social groups which have always been underrepresented in the white- and male-dominated academic world. In order to counteract the very often unintended exclusionary and discriminatory practices in academia, we need practical knowledge about how to act in problematic situations. Participants of the bystander training will gain this type of knowledge by engaging with anonymised real-world cases.

The four-hour workshop has two aims: raising awareness and gaining practical knowledge. First, it aims to sensitise the participants for a variety of discriminatory and exclusionary situations within academia and beyond. Second, together we shall develop strategies for dealing with these situations. Participants should thus become confident in acting responsibly according to their respective role (target, ally, bystander, aggressor, etc.) whenever they find themselves in a problematic situation.

Registration:  by email to before 5 May 2019

Download:Flyer (pdf)

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